East Side transfer station clears judicial hurdle

Sanitation proposed to reopen marine waste transfer station near Asphalt Green and Bobby Wagner Walk. After the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island closed in 2001, the Department of Sanitation contracted with privately-owned transfer stations, landfills, and waste-to-energy facilities to dispose of residential waste. Sanitation now delivers a large percentage of waste to transfer stations within the City, where tractor- trailers pick up the waste and drive it to landfills in other states.

In 2004, … <Read More>

Sanitation facility approved for SoHo’s Washington St.

500 Washington Street, SoHo, Manhattan

Council approved despite community concerns over traffic, environmental impact, and aesthetics. On November 19, 2008, the City Council approved a plan by the Dept. of Sanitation to build a five-story service and maintenance garage, a 34,000 gallon refueling station, and a 75ft. tall salt shed at 500 Washington Street in SoHo, Manhattan. The garage and salt shed would serve Community Districts 1, 2, and 5. 5 CityLand 137 (Oct. 15, … <Read More>