Increased Contributions to the Theater Subdistrict Fund Considered [UPDATE: CPC Approves Measure]

Contributions from transfers of development rights by theaters in the district would be increased four fold—from $17.60 per square foot to 20 percent of the sales price. On September 7, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the City’s Zoning Resolution that would solidify the contribution rate to the Theater Subdistrict Fund related to the transfer of development rights from 46 listed theaters in Manhattan’s Theater Subdistrict. Currently, … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Holds Hearing on St. John Terminal Rezoning [UPDATE: City Planning Approves Application]

The proposed rezoning would permit the development of four mixed-use buildings and one commercial building across the street from Pier 40. On August 24, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application for a zoning text amendment, a zoning map change, four special permits, three authorizations, and one chairperson certification to facilitate the redevelopment of the commercial building at 550 Washington Street, in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. The project would create … <Read More>

Developer Withdraws Proposal Following Public Controversy over Affordable Housing

Phipps Houses withdrew its application for its ten-story, Barnett Avenue development following a lack of community support. On September 20, 2016, Phipps Houses, the oldest and largest not-for-profit developer of affordable housing in New York City, withdrew its Barnett Avenue development proposal—the day before its scheduled public hearing in front of the City Council’s Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises. Phipps Houses had sought a zoning map change and two zoning text amendments to … <Read More>

Brooklyn Community District 10’s Proposed Amendment to Special Permit Provision [UPDATE: City Planning Approves Amendment]

The proposed amendment would remove Brooklyn Community District 10 from applicability under Section 73-622, which the community board argues has not been used in line with its intended purpose. On August 24, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application to amend the New York City zoning text relating to special permits issued by the Board of Standards and Appeals. These special permits allow property owners in R2 zoning districts … <Read More>