NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 07/08/24







By Jeff Wice and Alexis Marking


Attorney General To Intervene in Cheektowaga Voting Rights Act Challenge

New York State Attorney General Letitia James has informed the Erie County State Supreme Court that her office will intervene in the state voting rights act challenge filed against the Town of Cheektowaga over town board vote dilution. In that case, the town is challenging the constitutionality of the New York … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 07/01/24



Orange County Legislature Fails to Advance New Map

The Orange County Legislature failed to advance three county legislative draft maps to the public hearing stage after a meeting on July 26th lost its quorum of legislators necessary to move the maps to the next stage.  The county needs to have a new map in place before petitioning for the 2025 primary gets underway next year.

Mapping the New Senate, Assembly & Congressional Districts

New York State in 2021 must redraw the State’s senate, assembly and congressional districts. The process will be different from the process used to draw legislative and congressional district lines in the past. Previously, the State legislature redrew the districts for its own members and for the State’s congressional members.  After years of efforts to reform a process seen as too self-interested, New York State voters in 2014 approved an amendment to the State constitution … <Read More>