Residential building with ground floor retail to be built near Brooklyn Bridge. Landmarks issued a permit for a six-story apartment building in Lower Manhattan’s South Street Seaport Historic District on August 14, 2007. The building, designed by Morris Adjmi Architects, will feature an eight-story facade facing Front Street, and a six-story facade on Dover Street, with a one-story set back penthouse. According to the architects, zinc panels will evoke the feel of brick, the dominant building material in the area, and awnings will be suspended by cables in homage to the nearby Brooklyn Bridge. The developer will demolish a one-story, non-contributing garage currently located on the site.
At the May 22, 2007 hearing, the Historic Districts Council stated that it “generally approved” of the proposed building, but suggested changes to the windows and transoms. Morris Adjmi altered the original proposal by making the rooftop addition and mechanical equipment smaller, and by using double-hung window openings. Construction on the building is expected to be complete by the winter of 2008.
LPC: 254 Front Street (COFA #08-1667) (Aug. 14, 2007).