Open space at issue in rezoning near Lincoln Center

Proposal includes controversial new bulk waiver that will impact ten community districts. West 60th Street Associates, LLC applied to rezone 14 lots in Manhattan’s Lincoln Square neighborhood from manufacturing to commercial zoning. On 11 lots, West 60th would develop a mixed residential and commercial project with 301 rental units, 41 condos, 10,000 sq.ft. of retail and 200 parking spaces. Along with a special permit for on-site parking, West 60th proposed a text amendment that would … <Read More>

Rezoning and inclusionary housing approved

South Park Slope rezoned to protect low-rise character and provide affordable housing. On November 16, 2005, the City Council rezoned 50 blocks of South Park Slope and applied the inclusionary housing program to specific R8A districts along Fourth Avenue, allowing an increase in a building’s floor area with the developers’ commitment to build affordable housing on or off site. The proposal called for the rezoning of an area generally bounded by 15th Street on the … <Read More>

City Planning action affects 1,000 acres in Staten island


Prince’s Bay Rezoning locator map used with permission of the New York City Department of City Planning. All rights reserved.

Council Member Lanza and City Planning push forward Prince’s Bay down-zoning. On October 11, 2006, the Planning Commission approved a proposal to down-zone an 172-acre portion of Prince’s Bay, Staten Island and to adopt text amendments to restrict future development on an additional 830 acres. Council Member Andrew Lanza withdrew his original rezoning application … <Read More>

Council modifies controversial Tribeca rezoning

Height and size of buildings reduced along West and Washington Streets in last-minute compromise. On August 16, 2006, the City Council approved modifications to the controversial four-block rezoning in North Tribeca initiated by private developer the Jack Parker Corporation to facilitate construction of a 260,000-square-foot residential tower on one block. The proposal called for the four manufacturing zoned blocks bounded by Washington, West, Watts and Hubert Streets to be given a commercial zoning – C6-2A … <Read More>

Queens rezoning receives ULURP certification

Down-zoning proposed for 135- block area of northeast Queens. On July 10, 2006, the Planning Commission certified as complete City Planning’s proposal to rezone 135 blocks of the Douglaston and Little Neck neighborhoods in northeast Queens. The area is generally bounded by Grand Central Parkway to the south, Douglaston Parkway, Alley Pond Parkway and Alley Pond Park to the west, Long Island Sound to the north, and the Nassau County line to the east. Under … <Read More>

Bronx rezoning sent to Council

Commission approves 75-block rezoning despite some opposition. On June 21, 2006, the Planning Commission approved City Planning’s rezoning proposal for portions of 75 blocks of Pelham Parkway and Indian Village, two northeastern Bronx communities characterized by low density residential development. The proposal would reduce the permitted density of development on 67 blocks and increase the permitted density of residential construction on 8 blocks along Williamsbridge Road and Pelham Parkway South. On the six lots along … <Read More>