CPC Proposes Limits on Hotel Proliferation

City Planning proposed a new special permit to limit the spread of hotels in light manufacturing districts. The New York City Department of City Planning has begun the public review process for a proposed zoning text amendment to limit the proliferation of hotels in districts zoned for light manufacturing. The amendment would require that proposed hotel developments in M1 zoning districts receive a special permit from the City Planning Commission. A public scoping meeting is … <Read More>

CPC Approves Residential Building in Flushing

City Planning approves an application for a nine-story residential building with 27 permanently affordable units in Flushing, Queens. On September 6, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on a modified land use application for rezoning the area containing 135-01 35th Avenue. The land use application by Stemmax Realty Inc. includes zoning map and zoning text amendments. Stemmax Realty Inc. owns the project site, located at the northeast corner of 35th Avenue and … <Read More>

Ebenezer Plaza Approved by City Council

City Council approved the development of Ebenezer Plaza that will bring affordable housing, jobs, and a new church space to Brownsville, Brooklyn. On September 7, 2017, City Council passed two land use actions by a vote of 45-0 to allow for the development of a mixed-used plaza in Brownsville. The actions enact a zoning map amendment that allows mixed-use development, and a zoning text amendment that establishes a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area. The affected area … <Read More>

City Planning Approves Restriction on Developments on East Shore to One-Family Residences

The City Planning Commission approved a plan to limit development in the flood zone of the East Shore to improve resiliency of the community. On August 9, 2017, the New York City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on the City Planning Department’s application to create a special zoning district on coastal areas of Staten Island. The zoning map amendment and zoning text amendments would cover portions of the Oakwood Beach, Graham Beach, and Ocean … <Read More>

City Council Green Lights Two 14-Story Affordable Building in Longwood

The City Council approved the construction of 474 low-income affordable units in Longwood, Bronx. On July 20, 2017, the New York City Council voted 46-0 to approve the construction of two new 14-story mixed-use buildings at the intersection of Whitlock Avenue and east 165th Street in the Bronx’s Longwood neighborhood. The applicant, Ader Group, LLC, requested a zoning map amendment to change the project area from an M1-1 zoning district to an R8A/C2-4 zoning district, … <Read More>

Downtown Far Rockaway Development Plan Clears City Planning

The City Planning Commission approved the 22-block development plan for the Far Rockaway neighborhood in Queens. On July 10, 2017, the City Planning Commission approved an application by the New York City Economic Development Corporation for the Downtown Far Rockaway Development Plan. The Development Plan includes the designation of the Downtown Far Rockaway Urban Renewal Area, the disposition of city-owned property, and zoning text and map amendments. The community planning process was led by Council … <Read More>