Bronx BP Releases Report Calling for School Construction Authority Reform

Report outlines action plan for the School Construction Authority to address public school overcrowding and cost proposals. On September 4, 2019, Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. released a report outlining an action plan for the School Construction Agency to address public school overcrowding and school construction cost proposals. The School Construction Authority is charged with the building and maintenance of public school space in New York City.

City Planning Approves Borough Based Jail Application

Borough based jail proposal moves to City Council. On September 3, 2019, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of Corrections, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services’ application for a special permit to create a borough-based jail system with modifications. The application passed by a 9-3 vote with Commissioners Alfred C. Cerullo III, Orlando Marin and Raj Ramphershad voting against the proposal.

City Council Approves Major Bay Street Corridor Plan with Modifications

Before reaching the City Council, the project received mixed support over concerns that the area was ill-equipped for the increased density. On June 26, 2019, City Council voted to approve with modifications an application that would help implement a major City-initiated plan to redevelop Staten Island’s Bay Street Corridor, which connects the St. George, Tompkinsville, and Stapleton neighborhoods. The comprehensive plan will redevelop the Bay Street Corridor into a walkable, transit-oriented community that provides … <Read More>

From Fiscal Crisis to Thriving City with Social Mission Intact

New York Law School presented Stanley Brezenoff with the Civic Fame award at the Fifth Annual Civic Fame Breakfast held at New York Law School on April 26, 2019. The certificate of award acknowledged Brezenoff‘s 40-year career in managing governmental institutions with unequaled persistence, skill and determination from the days of the fiscal crisis to today’s thriving City, and for his relentless efforts to preserve and enhance the social mission of the City of New <Read More>

Digital Zoning Resolution Updated to Include Full Legislative History

The update includes legislative history dating from 1961. On June 19, 2019, the Department of City Planning announced an update to the online Zoning Resolution that provides the code’s legislative history. Earlier this year, DCP launched the digital Zoning Resolution online platform, which replaced the paper edition. The digital version provides users with the ability to use keyword searches, one-click sharing, navigation, and the option to subscribe for updates. This legislative history update provides information … <Read More>

Major Staten Island Project OK’d by City Planning Despite Significant Opposition; City Council Up Next

The proposed zoning actions were largely disapproved by the Community Board, the Borough President, and even Staten Island’s appointee to the City Planning Commission. The Department of City Planning, along with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services filed an application requesting several ULURP actions to help implement the goals of the Bay Street Corridor Neighborhood Plan. The Neighborhood Plan is a comprehensive plan to … <Read More>