Challenge to Denial of Hardship Application Fails on Appeal

Developer claimed that Commissioners irrationally and prejudicially analyzed hardship application, and that designation amounted to an unconstitutional taking. In 1990, Landmarks designated the City and Suburban Homes Company, First Avenue Estate an individual City landmark. The block-sized development is bounded East 64th and 65th Streets and York and First Avenues. Built between 1819 and 1915, it was constructed to provide high-quality housing to low-income New Yorkers in an alternative to crowded, poorly ventilated tenement buildings. … <Read More>

Additions Proposed For Expansion Of Frick Collection

After 2014 plan was withdrawn in face of public outcry, museum presented Selldorf-designed proposal to create more space for exhibitions, conservators, and educational programs. On May 29, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal for the construction of rear and roof additions, as well as additional work, to the Frick Collection, an individual City landmark. The Frick was built as a mansion for industrialist Henry Clay Frick by the firm of Carrere and … <Read More>

Third Version of Additions to Buildings that Once Housed Artists’ Studios Approved

Revised application redesigned and lowered addition over historic facades, shifted bulk of new floor area to third, non-designated building. On May 15, 2018, Landmarks considered and approved additions to 827 and 831 Broadway, collectively designated an individual City landmark as the 827-831 Broadway Buildings. The Commission held a hearing on additions to the buildings on January 9, 2018, and considered a revised proposal on April 24, 2018. Landmarks voted to designate the buildings in … <Read More>

Coney Island Boardwalk Designated a Scenic Landmark

Iconic 2.7-mile long boardwalk designated for its cultural and historical significance, as little if any original fabric remains. On May 15, 2018, Landmarks voted to designate Brooklyn’s Coney Island Boardwalk a scenic landmark. The Boardwalk was originally opened to the public in 1923, and was extended in subsequent years. Under Robert Moses leadership of the Parks Department in 1938, the Boardwalk was straightened, moved inland, and extended. The Boardwalk’s current length is 2.7 miles. A … <Read More>

Testimony in Support and Opposition to Historic District Extension Heard from Community Members

Controversy focused on small section of Atlantic Avenue commercial corridor proposed for inclusion in district extension, characterized by 19th-century low-rise buildings. Landmarks held a hearing on the designation of the Boerum Hill Historic District Extension on May 8, 2018.  The extension would be composed of three direct sections adjoining the existing Boerum Hill Historic District to the north, south, and west. Approximately 288 buildings are included in the proposed extension, roughly equal in … <Read More>

Support Voiced for Designation of Central Harlem District

164-building potential district characterized by 19th-century residential architecture, and cultural and political history.            Landmarks held a public hearing on the potential designation of the Central Harlem West 130-132nd Historic District at its meeting on April 17, 2018. The district is composed of the block interiors on 130th, 131st, and 132nd Streets between Lenox Avenue and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard. The district includes approximately 164 buildings, chiefly built during a brief period of development in … <Read More>