Roosevelt Tramway Refranchised After Twenty-Two Years Without Contract

The Franchises Subcommittee voted to approve a new franchise agreement for the Roosevelt Island Tram at the request of the Mayor’s Office. On January 5, 2017, the City Council’s Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises voted 5-0 to approve a resolution granting a new franchise for the Roosevelt Island Aerial Tramway to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation. The tramway is an icon of New York City tourism and has been featured in several films such as … <Read More>

Commissioners Ask for Revisions to Controversial Jane Street Development

Proposal to replace 1920s garage building with residential development was opposed by community members and their elected officials. On July 26 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission heard the applicants’ response to public testimony regarding an application to redevelop a lot at 11 Jane Street in the Greenwich Village Historic District, and discussed the proposal. The lot is currently occupied by a two-story 1921 garage building. The applicants proposed to replace the garage with a … <Read More>

Landmarks Requests Rethinking of Plan to Redevelop 2 Buildings into a 1-Family Home

Proposal would redevelop two turn-of-the-century utilitarian building into a residence containing an elaborate garden, with a set back protruding tower containing a dining room and study. On July 12, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application for the residential redevelopment of two adjoining buildings at 85 and 89 Jane Street . The two buildings fall within the Greenwich Village Historic District. Both structures are identified utilitarian in style in the district’s designation report. … <Read More>

New Six-Story-Plus-Penthouse Building Approved for Site Occupied by 1940s Garage

Morris Adjmi-designed plan would be faced with steel frame inspired by cast-iron architecture in front of a setback glass curtain wall. On March 15, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved a proposal to demolish an existing 1940 garage and construct a new retail and office building at 134 Wooster Street in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District. Premier Equities are the site’s developers. The development shares the same block as another planned development … <Read More>

Votes by Community Boards Running Strongly Against de Blasio Affordable Housing Proposals [UPDATED]

CityLand creates comprehensive chart tracking every vote taken by community boards citywide on the ZQA and MIH text amendments. On September 21, 2015, the City Planning Commission referred for public review the Zoning for Quality and Affordability (ZQA) and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) citywide text amendments. Since the public review process has begun, community boards across the city have met to discuss and vote on each of the two proposals. All 59 New York City … <Read More>

Wide Community Support Voiced for Extension to Mount Morris Park HD

276-property proposed extension shares developments history, scale and architecture with existing historic district.  On July 21, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on a possible extension to the 1971-designated Mount Morris Park Historic District . The extension is composed of 276 properties and lies east of Lenox Avenue, between 117th and 124th Streets. The extension shares its development history with the existing historic district as one of the first residential areas in Harlem, … <Read More>