Lapsed building permit reinstated

Building permit extended after Greenpoint-Williamsburg Rezoning. Belvedere III LLC, the owner of 135 North 9th Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, applied to reinstate its building permit and extend the time for completion of a new four-story, six-unit mixed-use residential/community facility building with a medical office on the first floor. The development became noncompliant after the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Rezoning in May 2005. 2 CityLand 36 (Apr. 15, 2005), 2 CityLand 51 (May 15, 2005), 2 CityLand 67 (June … <Read More>

BSA grandfathers partially completed developments

Controversial West Village developments go forward. After the City rezoned the Far West Village in October 2005, several developers were forced to stop construction on projects inconsistent with the new zoning. Developers of two projects, a 12,325-square-foot project at 163 Charles Street and a two-story addition to a six-story garage at 164 Perry Street, sought BSA approval to grandfather their development plans and continue work. Each developer filed two appeals with BSA, arguing to continue … <Read More>

Parking garage approved; Stringer raises issues

Special permit for 174-space garage approved over new Borough President’s objections. Continental Residential Holdings, LLC applied to the Planning Department for a special permit to allow for a 174- space attended public parking garage within its new, as-of-right 41-story residential building at 325 Fifth Avenue between 32nd and 33rd Streets in Manhattan. Although the building is located in a predominantly commercial area one block south of the Empire State Building, in recent years the area … <Read More>

Court overturns BSA’s denial

Court allowed a relaxed standard of review for area variances. George Pantelidis, owner of a five-story townhouse at 116 East 73rd Street in Manhattan, after receiving a permit from Buildings, began construction of a glass-enclosed staircase that connected the second and third floor of the townhouse through the rear yard. From the start of construction, the next door neighbor vigorously opposed the glass enclosure. At Buildings, the neighbor’s objections were addressed by the Borough Commissioner … <Read More>

BSA rejects developer seeking a dormitory use permit

Developer planned a 19-story dormitory building without an existing school affiliation. BSA denied developer Gregg Singer’s appeal from a Department of Buildings determination rejecting Singer’s application to build a 1 9- story, 222-unit student dormitory building on the site of former P.S. 64, located at 609 East 9th Street in the East Village. Singer had acquired the five-story, former elementary school from the City for $3.15 million at a 1 998 auction. The existing building … <Read More>

Permit denied illegal Chelsea parking garage

Thirty-two space garage had sought special permit to continue operation. Landowner El-Ad Skyview, LLC sought Planning Commission approval for the continued operation of a 32-space public parking garage on the ground floor and cellar of an existing 12-story residential building located at 151 West 17th Street in Chelsea. The building was constructed in 2001 with an as-of-right, 10-space accessory garage, but has since been operating without a permit as a 32-space public garage. Access to … <Read More>