BSA Commissioner Susan M. Hinkson Discusses Her Varied Career

Susan M. Hinkson serves as one of the five Commissioners on the Mayor-appointed Board of Standards and Appeals. Hinkson, who is trained as both an architect and an attorney, was born and raised in the Bronx. Her father served as a justice in the Bronx County Supreme Court and her mother was a musician in the theater. Hinkson said her mother probably thought she would also go into theater, but around age fourteen Hinkson declared … <Read More>

BSA denies challenge to mosque’s building permit

Community group argued that Buildings should require mosque to provide off-street parking. In November 2010, Buildings issued a permit to Allowey Ahmed to develop a three-story mosque at 2812 Voorhies Avenue in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. The mosque would include a 138-person prayer room on the first floor and a 61-person secondary prayer room on the second floor with interior windows overlooking the main prayer room. The plans did not include off-street parking spaces because the … <Read More>

Expansion of Upper West Side district debated

Large expansion of Riverside/West End Historic District would encompass 338 buildings. On October 25, 2011, Landmarks heard testimony on the proposed Riverside/West End Historic District Extension II. The district would abut the northern end of the original Riverside/West End Historic District and include 338 buildings between West 109th and 89th Streets and Broadway and Riverside Drive. A handful of buildings along the west side of Broadway between 89th and 94th Streets would also … <Read More>

Court rejects challenge to Chelsea homeless shelter

Group claimed shelter was not an as-of-right use and exceeded maximum number of beds. In 2010, the Bowery Residents’ Committee obtained a permit from Buildings to convert a twelve-story building at 127 West 25th Street into a private not-for-profit homeless shelter, drug treatment center, and offices. BRC planned to provide a 200-bed homeless shelter, a 96-bed reception center for the homeless, a 32-bed chemical dependency crisis center, and outpatient counseling services for up to 100 … <Read More>

Bronx project grandfathered after Court remand

183 East Broadway. Image: CityLand.

BSA granted four-year extension to complete 63-unit building after City conceded that developer could correct noncompliant plans. In May 2004, Buildings issued developer GRA V LLC excavation and foundation permits for a 63-unit residential building at 3329 Giles Place in the Van Cortlandt Village section of the Bronx. GRA V began excavating the site and pouring the foundation for its proposed six-story building. In September 2004, before GRA V completed … <Read More>

Variance for 6-story project in place of sliver building

Developer sought variance after Buildings revoked permit for twelvestory project. Wai Sun Realty obtained a permit to build a twelvestory, mixed-use building on a narrow through-block lot at 183 East Broadway in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The bottleneck-shaped lot has approximately 26 feet of frontage along East Broadway and 44 feet of frontage along Henry Street. The project site is zoned R7-2 with a partial C1-5 commercial overlay.

Wai Sun demolished a five-story building to … <Read More>