Landmarks Requests Rethinking of Plan to Redevelop 2 Buildings into a 1-Family Home

Proposal would redevelop two turn-of-the-century utilitarian building into a residence containing an elaborate garden, with a set back protruding tower containing a dining room and study. On July 12, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application for the residential redevelopment of two adjoining buildings at 85 and 89 Jane Street . The two buildings fall within the Greenwich Village Historic District. Both structures are identified utilitarian in style in the district’s designation report. … <Read More>

Four Manhattan Properties Designated Individual City Landmarks

Two Catholic churches designated over archdiocese opposition. On June 28, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate four Manhattan properties as individual City landmarks. Three of the items had been added to Landmarks calendar before 2010 and were addressed as part of the Commission’s backlog initiative.

Four Staten Island Properties Designated Individual Landmarks

Actions taken as part of initiative to address backlog of calendared items; commission intends to dispose of backlog in 2016. On June 28, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission took final dispositive action on four properties in Staten Island, designating them as individual City landmarks. The actions are part of the commission’s initiative to eliminate the backlog of items added to its calendar before 2012 but never brought to a vote.

Council Votes to Alter Landmarks Law by Establishing Timelines for Designation

Peter Koo and David Greenfield-sponsored bill was supported by Real Estate industry and vehemently opposed by preservationists. On June 8, 2016, the full City Council voted to approve a bill amending the City’s Landmark Law following a Land Use Committee meeting on June 7.

The legislation, Introduction 775, mandates that Landmarks vote on an item for designation as an individual, interior, or scenic landmark within one year of holding a public hearing. If … <Read More>

NYC Landmarks Law and Regulation of Open Space

The Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) has jurisdiction over both buildings and landscape features on landmarks sites.   But the Commission rarely directly regulates changes to landscape features. For routine landscaping changes and in urban contexts, the landscape features are rarely a concern. In other cases the landscape takes on central importance. This is especially true where there where the existing landscaping and natural land features figure prominently in the beauty and importance of the site. In … <Read More>

Commission Releases Online Map Allowing Users to Explore Landmarks and Historic Districts

Interactive map displays and identifies calendared landmarks, provides links to designation reports. On Tuesday, March 15, the Landmarks Preservation Commission announced the launch of Discover NYC Landmarks, an interactive map of New York City allowing users to peruse and examine the City’s landmarked properties. The map identifies individual landmarks, historic districts, scenic landmarks and interior landmarks, as well as properties that have been added to Landmarks calendar but not yet come before the commission … <Read More>