Bed-Stuy designation heard

Home on Alice Court. Image: LPC.

Positive hearing for 36-building residential enclave near Atlantic Avenue. On September 16, 2008, Landmarks heard testimony regarding the potential historic district designation of Alice and Agate Courts in Bedford- Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Comprised of two cul-de-sacs off Atlantic Avenue between Kingston and Albany Avenues, the neighborhood was developed by Swiss-born Florian Grosjean, owner of a successful kitchenware company. Grosjean named Alice Court after his daughter while Agate Court refers to … <Read More>

Bowery SRO not a hurdle to designation

Whitehouse Hotel. Photo: Kristin Daggan.

Council votes to include Bowery SRO in NoHo historic district extension. On September 4, 2008, the City Council voted to approve the proposed NoHo historic district extension and ended the debate over whether the Whitehouse Hotel should be included within the district. The approval adds 56 more buildings, all between Lafayette Street and Bowery, to the district. Landmarks voted to designate the area in May after hearing testimony from residents … <Read More>

Morris Adjmi on Landmarks, Historic Districts, and Sustainable Architecture

Morris Adjmi knew from an early age that architecture would be his calling. At age five, he designed his first masterpiece: a pyramid of coffee tables and chairs covered with blankets. Just as his mother arrived for the unveiling, the pyramid fell to the floor and injured young Morris, striking him above the eye. Despite the initial setback, he was hooked. A native of New Orleans, he found an abundance of architecture, especially in the … <Read More>

Landmarks devotes meeting to potential designations

Landmarks provides forum for accord and controversy during numerous hearings. On June 24, 2008, Landmarks heard testimony on eight potential City landmarks, as well as one historic district extension. According to spokesperson Lisi de Bourbon, Landmarks grouped the designation hearings on one day to demonstrate certain themes and priorities like post-war architecture, public libraries, and the Commission’s recent review of architecture in the West Village.

The proposed extension of Queens’ Douglaston Historic to encompass 22 … <Read More>

Landmarks considers West Chelsea District

Proposed West Chelsea Historic District. Image: LPC.

New York Terminal Central Stores, Real Estate Board, and Cedar Lake Ballet testified against proposed designation. On May 13, 2008, Landmarks heard testimony on a proposal to designate a seven-block portion of West Chelsea as a historic district.

Located between West 25th and West 28th Streets, from the West Side Highway to Tenth Avenue, the proposed West Chelsea Historic District would protect brick industrial buildings dating as far … <Read More>

Expansion of NoHo Historic District approved

Landmarks declines to exempt Metro Sixteen Hotel from district. On May 13, 2008, Landmarks voted unanimously to designate the NoHo Historic District Extension, increasing the number of protected buildings from 167 to 223. The extension is bounded by Lafayette Street to the west, Bowery to the east, East 4th Street to the north, and Bond Street to the south.

The extension includes a historically commercial neighborhood characterized by mid-19th century loft buildings and tenements built … <Read More>