Hearings Held on Five Potential Landmarks as Part of Greater East Midtown Plan

Designations opposed by developers and hoteliers; transit advocates expressed concern that landmarking would prevent improved subway infrastructure and access. On July 19 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held hearings on the potential designations of five possible individual landmarks in the East Midtown area of Manhattan. Twelve items in total were identified by Landmarks as significant historic and architectural resources, as part of the mayoral administration’s Greater East Midtown plan. The plan to revitalize … <Read More>

Sign Use Lost Following Demolition

Property owner relied on permit improperly issued by Buildings to claim that advertising sign was a legal grandfathered use. Perlbinder Holdings, LLC owned a building located at 663-669 Second Avenue in Manhattan. Perlbinder for many years maintained a large, single-sided, illuminated advertising sign on the side of the building and had received a permit from the Department of Buildings to operate the sign in 1980. Subsequently, the Council amended the New York City Zoning … <Read More>

Appellate Division Overturns BSA Denial of Sign Registration

The Board of Standards and Appeals had denied the application based on its finding that the signage was an art installation rather than an “advertising sign,” as defined in the Zoning Resolution. Local Law 31 of 2005 amends the regulations governing the usage of outdoor advertising signs by requiring companies engaged in outdoor advertising to submit to the Department of Buildings an exhaustive list of all of the companies’ “signs, sign structures and sign locations” … <Read More>

BSA Conditionally Approves Proposed Redevelop of Landmarked Theatre into Mixed-Use Residential and Commercial Building

The proposed redevelopment plan has been approved by Landmarks and has been modified slightly to comply with federal regulations, due to the site’s close proximity to LaGuardia Airport. On October 27, 2015, the Board of Standards and Appeals approved with conditions a request by Flushing Square, LLC., for a special permit to re-develop the RKO Keith’s Theatre, located at 135-35 Northern Boulevard in the downtown Flushing neighborhood of Queens, into a 16-story mixed use commercial … <Read More>

Commercial Operation Closed in Residential Zone in Brooklyn

Brooklyn building owner operated commercial uses in residential zone. The lot designated as 1801 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY is in a district zoned for residential use. Buildings charged that the structure at that address was being used as a crating establishment, and for food processing and preparation, commercial vehicle storage, and junk salvage storage in violation of the New York City zoning resolution. Buildings sought an order of closure. The respondent was properly notified of … <Read More>

Say Hello to Mandatory Inclusionary Housing!

Almost 55 percent of all renter households in New York City now pay more than 30 percent of their income towards housing costs, an increase of 11 percent since 2000. As a consequence, the City Planning Commission found that “many of the city’s neighborhoods are becoming less economically diverse, which poses a threat to the city’s economic competitiveness as well as to the opportunities available to lower-income New Yorkers.”

Mandatory Inclusionary Housing is one of … <Read More>