New Special Permit for Self-Storage Facilities: An Imperfect Victory for Industrial Jobs Advocates

The final legislative session of 2017 saw an active NYC City Council scrambling to pass almost 40 bills before the term’s end.  Among these legislative actions was the passage of a zoning text amendment for the creation of a special permit that will limit self-storage facilities in NYC’s Industrial Business Zones (IBZ’s).  City Council’s vote in favor of the new special permit is a victory for the industrial and manufacturing sectors, albeit an imperfect victory … <Read More>

New Local Law creates uncertainty for “as-of-right” development

Central to the concept of zoning is that a developer may rely on the text and build to the limits written into the zoning resolution.  The council has now tinkered with that expectation.  Under a new local law, the council can potentially overcome the “as-of-right” option by adopting a text change on an expedited basis.

The local law was a response to the controversial Two Bridges project, a proposal consisting of three residential towers … <Read More>

City Planning Approves 425 Units of Affordable Housing in Soundview, Bronx

Two mixed-use buildings, containing 425 affordable residential units for families and seniors, will be developed in Soundview, Bronx. On October 18, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application for a zoning map and text amendment by the Park Lane Residence Company. This application will facilitate the development of two mixed-use buildings with 425 affordable housing units in Soundview, Bronx. The project area is bounded by Turnbull Avenue to the north, … <Read More>

CPC Approves Mixed-Use Development with Community Gardens in East Harlem

A three-building mixed-use project will create 655 affordable housing units, 4 community gardens, an elevated public courtyard, space for Mt. Sinai medical offices and a DREAM charter school in East Harlem. On October 2, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on the Sendero Verde application submitted by NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (“HPD”). The application will facilitate the development of three mixed-use buildings containing 655 affordable units, commercial and community … <Read More>

Council Approves Harlem African Burial Ground

The Harlem African Burial Ground, affordable housing, and commercial space will replace the 126th Street Bus Depot. On September 27, 2017, City Council approved the 126th Street Bus Depot redevelopment by a vote of 42-0. The land use application, by NYC Economic Development Corporation, includes a zoning map amendment, zoning text amendment, city map change, and future disposition of city-owned property. This action will facilitate the development of affordable housing, commercial space, and the Harlem <Read More>

Mixed-Use Development to Replace Pfizer Factory Site

A former Pfizer factory site in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn will be redeveloped into 1,146 housing units, 62,810 square feet of commercial space, 26,000 square feet of publicly accessible open space, and 404 parking spaces. On September 19, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on land use applications by Harrison Realty LLC. The land use applications include: (1) a zoning map amendment to change the current manufacturing district into a residential district with <Read More>