Brooklyn Community District 10’s Proposed Amendment to Special Permit Provision [UPDATE: City Planning Approves Amendment]

The proposed amendment would remove Brooklyn Community District 10 from applicability under Section 73-622, which the community board argues has not been used in line with its intended purpose. On August 24, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application to amend the New York City zoning text relating to special permits issued by the Board of Standards and Appeals. These special permits allow property owners in R2 zoning districts … <Read More>

Council Hears Testimony on Amendment to Noise Control Code

Proposed law would restrict activities conducted on construction sites located in close proximity to a school while classes are being held.  On June 25, 2015, the City Council Committee on Environmental Protection held a public hearing on Intro 420, which would restrict the level of permissible noise emitted from construction sites located within 75 feet of either a public or private school.  The proposed law would prohibit construction noise above 45 decibels during normal … <Read More>

Council Amends Zoning Text to Accelerate Sandy Recovery

Amendment streamlines process for reconstruction, elevation of homes.  On July 23, 2015 the City Council approved an amendment to the zoning text relating to homes in areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy.  The amendment is designed to remove complications faced by 2,000 owners of one- and two-family homes in Staten Island, Southern Queens, and Southern Brooklyn who have been working to rebuild and elevate their homes in the event of another flood, while lowering the cost … <Read More>

Simeon Bankoff: Taking the Context out of Contextual Zoning

In March 2015, the City Planning Commission announced a proposal called Zoning for Affordability and Quality, which broadly calls for three principal changes in the current citywide zoning resolution. The plan proposes to change and enlarge definitions of senior housing to include more types of housing providers than currently permitted. It also proposes to increase buildable space for senior housing in some instances. The proposal also seeks to lessen or some instances no longer mandate … <Read More>

Text revisions offered to encourage energy efficiency

Proposal, dubbed the “Zone Green” initiative, would streamline implementation of energy-efficient retrofits for existing buildings and the construction of new green buildings. On February 29, 2012, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on the Department of City Planning’s “Zone Green” zoning text amendment. Planning is seeking to remove regulations that impede property owners from installing energy-saving retrofits in existing buildings and that discourage the development of new energy-efficient buildings. The proposal would broadly exempt from … <Read More>

Key Terms text change OK’d

New Clarification Text Amendment changes the meaning of the term ‘building”. Image: Courtesy of NYC Department of City Planning.

Amendment redefines “development” and “building” and clarifies how the terms are used in order to reflect Planning’s intent. On February 2, 2011, the City Council approved the Department of City Planning’s Key Terms Text Amendment. Planning proposed the 700-page text amendment to ensure that existing regulations are interpreted and applied as originally intended under the … <Read More>