New 12-story Building will Retain Facade of Previously Demolished Tenement

Commission asked applicants to integrate fragment of building that was otherwise demolished for 1980s enlargement. On June 9, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve an application to construct a new building at 807 Park Avenue in the Upper East Side Historic District. It was the commission’s fourth meeting on the matter. The property was originally developed in 1899 as five story Romanesque Revival tenement. The site is owned by Aion Partners, who … <Read More>

BSA Permits Penthouse Addition

Board found complying with Multiple Dwellings Law prohibited full development of zoned area.  On May 19, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, BBD & D Inc, a permit to construct a penthouse at 237 East 72nd Street in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  The penthouse unit will expand the current building from four stories in height to five.

On April 8, 2014 the Department of Buildings denied … <Read More>

City Planning Approves Conversion of Historic District Building

Permit would allow vacant commercial building to convert into a single-family residence.  On May 6, 2015 the City Planning Commission approved a special permit for Tower Management Holdings LLC to convert a vacant commercial building at 20-22 East 71st Street in the Upper East Side Historic District of Manhattan into a single-family residence.  The building was constructed as a single-family five-story townhouse in 1923, but was used as commercial offices from 1986 until 2007.  The … <Read More>

CityLaw: Three Policy Questions for Nonprofit Property Tax Exemptions

A long-standing feature of American tax policy is the exemption granted to nonprofit organizations, the largest of which is the exemption from local property taxes. The exemption, with origins back to the 18th century, is widespread. Among the 50 states, 17 state constitutions mandate property tax exemptions for charitable organizations, 25 authorize the legislature to give exemptions, and eight do not address the issue. New York State establishes two classes of exemptions for nonprofits:  … <Read More>

Addition to Tammany Hall Approved after Reduction in Size

Contemporary dome would sit atop restored neo-Georgian building facing Union Square. On March 10, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve the construction of an addition, as well as façade renovations, to the former Tammany Hall building at 44 Union Square East, an individual City landmark. Landmark first considered a proposal for the site in November of 2015.

CPC Approves Building Conversion in Historic District

Special permit will allow a vacant mixed-use building in SoHo to convert to residential use.  On February 4, 2015 the City Planning Commission voted to grant a special permit to Goose Mountain NYC, LLC to develop a six-story building at 498 Broome Street in the SoHo Cast Iron Historic District of Manhattan as a residential property.  The permit would allow Use Group 2 residential uses on portions of the ground floor, as well as … <Read More>