Hearings held on nine Robert Moses projects

Depression-era pools and play centers considered for individual designation. In the 1930s, under the guidance of Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia and Parks Commissioner Robert Moses, the City built dozens of parks and swimming pools using federal Works Progress Administration funds. In the summer of 1936 alone, the City opened eleven large pool-oriented play centers.

On January 31, 2007, Landmarks heard public testimony on the proposed designation of nine of these WPA play centers, including the Bronx … <Read More>

City’s condemnation of SI park to proceed

Three brothers owning land in Staten Island challenged use of ULURP to exempt City from condemnation procedures. In 2002, the Planning Commission approved an application by the Department of Parks and Recreation to add 14.5 acres to the Skyline Playground, a neighborhood park in Staten Island. Six of the 14.5 acres belonged to the Putter brothers, who planned to develop the site and had a pending application with City Planning for 50 affordable townhouses.… <Read More>

Federal court rejects challenge to Yankee Stadium

Bronx locals’ second attempt to halt Yankee Stadium claimed bias and ineptitude on the part of the National Parks Service. As part of the needed approvals for the Yankee Stadium development, the National Park Service approved the plan to privatize a 10.67-acre portion of the Macomb’s Dam Park and replace the lost park space with 16.44 acres on three separate parcels, including the old Yankee Stadium site, to be developed with baseball and softball fields, … <Read More>

City Planning’s General Counsel Talks of Emerging Planning Issues by Just Explaining What’s on His Desk

When asked to discuss current trends coming out of City Planning, David Karnovsky, General Counsel since 1999, offered to start the conversation with the matters sitting on his desk. From Broadway’s first air rights sale, to a new community board planning tool, to implementation of City Planning’s complex rezoning plans, the conversation revealed developing trends. Karnovsky, a Harvard Law School graduate, joined City Planning after serving as Special Counsel to the Deputy Mayor of Operations … <Read More>

Yankees Stadium construction proceeds

Court refuses to halt destruction of 377 mature trees. After the City approved the New York Yankees’ plan to construct a new stadium, Save Our Parks, a group of over 100 Bronx residents, filed an article 78 petition challenging the final environmental review and sought an immediate injunction to stop the Yankees’ plan to remove 377 mature trees.

Court refuses to halt destruction of 377 mature trees. After the City approved the New York Yankees’ … <Read More>

Court enjoins Washington Square renovation

Plans sent back to Community Board, Landmarks and Art Commission. Under Parks’ plan to renovate Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village, the off-center fountain would be moved 22 feet to align it with the park’s famous arch at its Fifth Avenue entrance. The new fountain would be raised to grade level, have a 45-foot high water plume, and be 23 percent smaller than its current size. Parks received approvals for renovations from Manhattan’s Community Board … <Read More>