Mayor Announces $40 Million Allocation to Restore Prospect Park Vale

A previous public engagement process revealed the desire for flexible community space, restrooms, and an amphitheater. On December 16, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an allocation of $40 million to restore parts of the Vale in Prospect Park. The Vale is a 26-acre stretch in the northeast corner of Prospect Park. The allocation is the largest in history for the Prospect Park Alliance, the non-profit that maintains the park in partnership with city government. 

City Officials Cut Ribbon on Final Section of Brooklyn Bridge Park

The addition completes the park’s original design. On December 9, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio, elected officials and community leaders joined together to cut the ribbon on the final section of Brooklyn Bridge Park. The section, located underneath the Brooklyn Bridge, will be named Emily Warren Roebling Plaza after Emily Warren Roebling, whose work helped ensure the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge. The section connects the already completed DUMBO section and southern piers of the <Read More>

Mayor’s Office Announces Dozens of Resilient Building and Infrastructure Projects

On November 22, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the creation of a new pilot program to design and construct projects utilizing the NYC Climate Resiliency Design guidelines. The guidelines provide technical guidance for engineers and architects in the design of buildings, roads, sewer systems, public housing, and other forms of public infrastructure to anticipate worsening impacts from climate change including flooding, storm surge and intense heat.