City Council Holds Hearing on Open Restaurants Plan

Open Restaurants Plan intended for Phase 2 start. On June 4, 2020, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the Open Restaurants seating program and the Council Committee on Consumer Affairs and Business Licensing held the public hearing on Intro 1957, a bill that would create the temporary outdoor dining space. The bill is sponsored by Council Member Antonio Reynoso and was introduced at the May 28th, 2020 Stated Meeting.

UPDATED: Mayor’s Office Outlines Further Guidance as City Enters Phase One Reopening

Starting June 8th, retail, manufacturing, construction and other industries can resume operations with restrictions. On May 28, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio laid out the additional guidance for industries that will be allowed to reopen under Phase One of the State’s reopening plan, NY Forward. While other parts of the state have already been allowed to reopen, New York City has remained shut down to reduce the spread of COVID-19. As the number of … <Read More>

CityLand Resources on Police Misconduct, Justice Reform, and Protests

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed by a Police Officer while in custody of the Minneapolis Police Department. Floyd’s death has garnered a national response and has sparked groups of individuals all across the nation to gather in streets, parks and open spaces to protest systemic racism, police brutality and the injustices felt by the black community.  Floyd’s death and several other similar events have reinvigorated the discussion on law enforcement policy, criminal … <Read More>

LPC Calendars Update to Kingsland Homestead’s Landmark Designation

Landmark’s works to make sure Kingsland Homestead’s designation is accurate. On May 19, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar a proposed amendment that would update Kingsland Homestead’s landmark designation to its current location. Kingsland Homestead was built in 1785 on tract of land located near Block 5270 in Flushing, Queens. In 1965, the two-story home was designated as a landmark at 40-25 155th Street in Flushing. Shortly after, in 1968, Landmarks approved a … <Read More>

NYC Banking Commission Recommends Eliminating Interest on July Property Tax Payments

The recommendation will also impact interest rates for small property owners not impacted by COVID-19. On May 13, 2020, the New York City Banking Commission recommended that the City Council create a new hardship exemption to eliminate interest on late payments for property taxes due in July for small property owners who faced financial hardship due to COVID-19. The Banking Commission is comprised of Mayor Bill de Blasio,  Department of Finance Commissioner Jacques Jiha, and … <Read More>

UPDATED: Construction Shutdown: Preserving Land Use Approvals

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders issued in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency halted non-essential construction throughout the City of New York. Many of the halted construction projects enjoyed land use approvals granted by City agencies, and the Governor’s orders did not toll the expiration dates of these approvals. (Update:) Subsequent to the construction shutdown, Mayor Bill de Blasio on April 29, 2020 issued an emergency executive order tolling the expiration dates … <Read More>