New York City Large Scale Redevelopment Since Hudson Yards
Presented by the Center for New York City Law, The Center for Real Estate Studies and The NYC Law Department.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:50 p.m.
Presented by the Center for New York City Law, The Center for Real Estate Studies and The NYC Law Department.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:50 p.m.
Support for individual landmark designations of Beaux-Arts Hotel and Neo-Renaissance Office Building expressed at hearing. On February 20, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held public hearings on the potential designations of Hotel Seville and the Emmet Building, both in East Midtown, in the area to the north of Madison Square. Landmarks added both buildings to its calendar in December of 2017.
Proposal, whose previous iteration was subject to community and commissioner opprobrium, approved after reduction in size and modifications in design and materials. At its meeting on January 23rd, 2017, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved a modified proposal to redevelop five properties in the Tribeca East Historic District at 312 to 322 Canal Street with a single new structure. The site is currently occupied by two-story commercial structures dating to the 19th century, but … <Read More>
To facilitate the continued use of the former Interborough Rapid Transit Company Powerhouse as Con Edison Steam plant, plan adopted to allow for rooftop mechanical equipment and the creation of entrances for installing equipment. On January 9, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (“Landmarks”) voted to approve a master plan presented by Consolidated Edison (“Con Edison”) for the recently designated Interborough Rapid Transit Company Powerhouse at 855 11th Avenue on Manhattan’s West Side. The block-sized Beaux-Arts … <Read More>
Buildings’ significance largely derives from their association with post-World-War-II Abstract Expressionist movement; owners expected to soon apply for permit to build additions. Landmarks voted to designate two twin adjoining buildings as an individual City landmark at its meeting on October 31st, 2017. The buildings, at 827 and 831 Broadway in Manhattan, date to 1867 and were designed by architect Griffith Thomas for Pierre Lorillard, heir to the Lorillard Tobacco Company. The building’s facade is composed … <Read More>