Public Comment Period Begins for City Environmental Justice Report

The report will help shape the City’s Environmental Justice Plan. On August 5, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC Environmental Justice Advisory Board announced the start of a public comment period for the Environmental Justice for All Report. The Environmental Justice for All Report is a comprehensive study of environmental justice issues that impact New York City in order to develop a citywide Environmental Justice Plan. For CityLand’s prior coverage of <Read More>

NYC Mayoral Candidates Land Use Policy Recap

The Mayoral Election will help shape the City’s land use and housing policymaking decisions. Between now and June 20th, early voting is available for the NYC Primary, in which New Yorkers will help decide who will be the next Mayor of New York City. Over the course of their campaigns, mayoral candidates have developed and shared their positions on a variety of land use and housing issues including developing affordable housing, handling the eviction and <Read More>

Fines enforced against building owner

Tenant advertised apartment for transit use on Airbnb; building owner charged. On May 2, 2019, Building Inspector Botticelli, in response to a complaint, visited 280 Mulberry Street, Manhattan, owned and operated by 280 Mulberry Realty, LLC. Inspector Botticelli was given access to apartment 2E by four guests from France staying there who had gained access to the apartment by making a reservation on from April 26 – May 6, 2019. The tenant of apartment … <Read More>

City Takes First Steps in Exploration of Geothermal Utility Services

Geothermal heating and cooling are a very efficient and environmentally clean technology and energy that has been in use for decades but has gone underutilized by New York City. On April 21, 2021, Mayor de Blasio announced the first steps that will be taken to advance New York City’s transition to district geothermal systems. These geothermal systems will help replace fuel oil and natural gas, fundamentally changing how New York City heats and cools its … <Read More>

City Planning Launches Open House Webpage for Public Engagement with Four Future Bronx Metro-North Stations

The Department’s ongoing study uses community feedback to assess land use needs in the East Bronx. On April 30, 2021, the Department of City Planning released a new public engagement website for four new future Metro-North train stations in the east Bronx. The Metro-North Stations are planned for the Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-Op City neighborhoods and will connect with Penn Station and locations further north. Currently, there is information for the <Read More>