Rezoning and inclusionary housing approved

South Park Slope rezoned to protect low-rise character and provide affordable housing. On November 16, 2005, the City Council rezoned 50 blocks of South Park Slope and applied the inclusionary housing program to specific R8A districts along Fourth Avenue, allowing an increase in a building’s floor area with the developers’ commitment to build affordable housing on or off site. The proposal called for the rezoning of an area generally bounded by 15th Street on the … <Read More>

City Planning action affects 1,000 acres in Staten island


Prince’s Bay Rezoning locator map used with permission of the New York City Department of City Planning. All rights reserved.

Council Member Lanza and City Planning push forward Prince’s Bay down-zoning. On October 11, 2006, the Planning Commission approved a proposal to down-zone an 172-acre portion of Prince’s Bay, Staten Island and to adopt text amendments to restrict future development on an additional 830 acres. Council Member Andrew Lanza withdrew his original rezoning application … <Read More>

Stapleton Homeport redevelopment plan approved

The future of the Stapleton Homeport. Image used with permission of the NYC EDC and the NYC IDA. All rights reserved.

Site includes former United States Navy base. On October 25, 2006, the City Council approved the comprehensive redevelopment plan for Staten Island’s Homeport, the 35-acre former United States Navy base located in Stapleton and owned by the City since 1995.

City Planning and the New York City Economic Development Corporation proposed five linked applications, … <Read More>

College Point to be developed after 30-year delay

Illegal landfill slowed approval of Queens development. In 1976, a developer received approval from the Planning Commission for the Riverview development, a 500-unit project on a 28-acre parcel stretching north from 5th Avenue and west from Lax Avenue along the East River waterfront in College Point, Queens. The state then denied a needed permit for the development after discovering 123,000 cubic yards of illegal landfill on the site. After constructing only 236 of the 500 … <Read More>

Council holds hearing on industrial employment zone


Map showing current Industrial Business Zones. Image courtesy of Office of Industrial and Manufacturing Businesses.

Proposal would add protections for manufacturing by requiring nonindustrial uses to obtain special permits. On September 18, 2006, the City Council’s Subcommittee on Zoning & Franchises held a public hearing on a proposal to create Industrial Employment Districts. Current zoning laws permit nonindustrial buildings, such as commercial or retail uses, in manufacturing zones, which can destabilize an area and … <Read More>

Broadway theater gets green light on air rights

Theatre obtains expanded air rights after Commission modifies plan. Allen Goldman, of Fifth Street Holdings, LLC and SJP Residential Properties, sought to increase the air rights available for sale from the Hirschfeld Theatre on West 45th Street through a text amendment application. The theater site lies within two zoning lots; air rights, however, can only be sold from one lot under the current text. The restricted lot lies within the Preservation Area of the Special … <Read More>