New JPMorgan Chase State-of-the-Art Headquarters to Rise At 270 Park Ave

JPMorgan Chase intends to pursue building a new 2.5 million-square-foot headquarters at its 270 Park Avenue location. On February 21, 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio and JP Morgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon announced the construction of a new 2.5 million-square-foot headquarters at its 270 Park Avenue location in Manhattan, which will be the first project under the City’s innovative East Midtown Rezoning plan passed in 2017. Under the East Midtown rezoning, JPMorgan Chase … <Read More>

Council Committee Approves Commercial Use on Bedford Avenue Residential Block

Zoning map amendment approved permitting ground floor space for commercial use in a residential block in the Williamsburg neighborhood. On January 23, 2018, the New York City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises unanimously voted to approve the zoning map amendment adding a commercial use permit to the ground floor space of 116 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn and the 9 adjacent buildings on the block. Five of those adjacent buildings already have commercial uses on … <Read More>

City Planning Hears Plans for New Building on Astoria Boulevard

On January 3rd, 2018, City Planning held a public hearing for the zoning map and zoning text amendment at 35-10 Astoria Boulevard in Queens. The proposed rezoning would facilitate a new seven-story mixed-use building. The ground floor will be used for commercial purposes and other floors will contain 35 dwelling units with 11 of the units as permanently affordable.

CityLand’s Top Ten Stories of 2017

Welcome to CityLand‘s sixth annual top ten stories of the year! We have selected a range of our most popular and prominent stories, and guest commentaries concerning New York City land use in 2017. Our 2017 coverage was highlighted by articles concerning the approval of construction safety training for construction workers, proposals for the creation of more affordable housing, neighborhood rezonings, the protection of landmarks, and a guide on tort liability for injuries involving … <Read More>

Former Dairy Building Designated an Individual Landmark

Owners asked for exclusion of portion of site due to need for environmental remediation; Landmarks decided to designate property as originally proposed. Landmarks voted to designate as an individual City landmark six buildings constituting the former Empire State Dairy Company complex on December 5, 2017. The complex dates to the early 20th century and occupies an entire blockfront at 2840 Atlantic Avenue. The commission added the property to its calendar in March of 2016, … <Read More>