NYCHA Celebrates Complete Renovations at 16 Manhattan Developments Through PACT Program

On June 24, 2024, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced the completion of $383 million in renovations for 16 Manhattan developments. The changes were made as part of the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program, which changes developments from the traditional public housing assistance model to the federally-funded Section 8 program, while tenants still retain the original rights they had under traditional public housing. The transition allows for more funding to be made <Read More>

City and State Continue to Combat Illegal Smoke Shops, Reform Cannabis Sales in New York

Last week, Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams made announcements furthering New York’s fight against illegal smoke shops and reforming cannabis sales. The legalization of cannabis has forced the city and state to navigate the development of a new economy with the implementation of strict regulations; the state rollout of licenses and process for siting new dispensaries have limited the number of legal dispensaries that have opened statewide. While the state continues to navigate <Read More>

LPC Approves Outdoor Dining Program Permit Rules

On May 9, 2024, the Landmarks Preservation Commission approved rule amendments dealing with sidewalk and roadway cafes. The changes follow the creation of the Dining Out NYC Program, the city’s permanent outdoor dining program, which allows for permanent removable sidewalk cafes year round and removable roadway cafes from April through November. While the outdoor dining program is operated by the city’s Department of Transportation, other city agencies like the Landmarks Preservation Commission have had to <Read More>