Staten Island Borough President wins street name dispute

Staten Island Borough President James Oddo imposed negative street names for new streets laid out in a development. In 2014, Mount Builders, a land developer, purchased land in Staten Island on which it planned to build 200 new houses on three newly created streets. The property that Mount Builders acquired was known as Mount Manresa, which was the location of the first Jesuit retreat house in the United States as well as park land graced … <Read More>

Council Approves Retail Development on Staten Island Wetlands

A wholesale club and retail center will be developed on Staten Island Wetlands in Mariners Harbor. On October 31, 2017, City Council passed the South Avenue Retail Development land use actions by a vote of 45-1. The special permit and City map amendment will facilitate the development of five new retail buildings in Mariners Harbor, Staten Island. The special permit allows the retail buildings to be developed in excess of 10,000 square feet to accommodate <Read More>

Comptroller Audit Reveals that DOF Misclassified Staten Island Properties

Comptroller’s audit finds that the DOF misclassified for tax purposes at least twelve Class 1 properties on Staten Island. On February 24, 2017, the Office of the City Comptroller Scott Stringer released a report of an audit of Department of Finance property classifications on Staten Island. The audit sought to evaluate whether payments to Samaritan and the payment rates were reasonable, appropriate, and adequately supported, and whether Samaritan was complying with its contract with DHS. … <Read More>

Four Staten Island Properties Designated Individual Landmarks

Actions taken as part of initiative to address backlog of calendared items; commission intends to dispose of backlog in 2016. On June 28, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission took final dispositive action on four properties in Staten Island, designating them as individual City landmarks. The actions are part of the commission’s initiative to eliminate the backlog of items added to its calendar before 2012 but never brought to a vote.

Staten Island Building Owner Fined $71,900 for Illegal Conversion

Owner converted a two-family house to a four-family. On May 27, 2009, the Department of Buildings issued four notices of violation to Nashat Estafanous. Estafanous owned a residential property at 25 Simonson Avenue in Staten Island, which he converted, without permits, from a two-family residence to a four-family residence by fitting the attic and newly-constructed garage for occupancy. The NOVs imposed a fine totaling $31,100, and ordered Estafanous to remove the illegal conversion construction … <Read More>

Special hearing on Backlogged Items Devoted to Staten Island Properties

Items at issue included a former retirement community for sailors, a Colonial-era stone farmhouse, a lighthouse, and the Vanderbilt family mausoleum. On October 22, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held the second of four special hearings to address the backlog of items calendared before 2012 but never brought to a vote on designation. The hearing consisted of three batches, of seven to eleven items each, all located in Staten Island. Twenty-six items in total were … <Read More>