Remnants of historic free black community heard

Rossville AME Zion Church at 584 Bloomingdale Road in Staten Island. Image : LPC.

Four 19th century buildings in Staten Island’s Sandy Ground, one of the first communities settled by freed slaves, considered. On August 10, 2010, Landmarks heard testimony on the potential designations of four buildings located in Staten Island’s Sandy Ground community, one of the country’s oldest communities settled by freed slaves. The buildings date to the 19th century and include the Rossville … <Read More>

Dutch Colonial farmhouse considered

Lakeman House

Landmarks first considered the recently restored, 300-year-old farmhouse in 1966. On August 10, 2010, Landmarks held a hearing on the possible designation of the Lakeman House, at 2286 Richmond Road in Staten Island. The Dutch Colonial farmhouse, built between 1683 and 1714, is one of the borough’s oldest homes. Landmarks first considered the building in 1966.

The farmhouse is situated on land granted to Lewis Lakeman by colonial Governor Edmund Andros in 1675. … <Read More>

Addition to Battery Maritime Building modified

Proposed three-story and penthouse addition reduced by two stories. On July 27, 2010, Landmarks approved the City’s Economic Development Corporation and the Dermot Company’s application to reduce a previously approved rooftop addition for the landmarked Battery Maritime Building at 10 South Street along Lower Manhattan’s waterfront. The original proposal called for a three-story glass addition plus a penthouse. It was approved by Landmarks in February 2008 and the City Council in March 2009. 6 CityLand <Read More>

Permit invalidated; builder misrepresented project

Owner misrepresented extent of construction in order to avoid City Planning Commission review of plans. In November 2002, the owner of 366 Nugent Street in Staten Island received a pre-consideration letter from Borough Commissioner Jorge Canepa to enlarge an existing twostory home and replace and relocate existing square footage. The owner informed the borough commissioner that it sought the letter in order to avoid filing for a new building permit, which according to the underlying … <Read More>

Curb cuts and parking amendments approved

Text amendment would introduce curb cut prohibitions and limit front yard parking spaces in certain residential districts. On February 24, 2010, the City Planning Commission approved, with modifications, the Department of City Planning’s Residential Streetscape Preservation text amendment. Planning proposed the City-wide amendment in response to community concerns about inappropriate curb cuts and front yard parking spaces in residential districts. Planning seeks to clarify parking requirements and preserve and enhance residential streetscapes.

The proposed amendment … <Read More>

East Side transfer station clears judicial hurdle

Sanitation proposed to reopen marine waste transfer station near Asphalt Green and Bobby Wagner Walk. After the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island closed in 2001, the Department of Sanitation contracted with privately-owned transfer stations, landfills, and waste-to-energy facilities to dispose of residential waste. Sanitation now delivers a large percentage of waste to transfer stations within the City, where tractor- trailers pick up the waste and drive it to landfills in other states.

In 2004, … <Read More>