CityLand Profile: Lynn Kelly of New Yorkers for Parks

New York City holds a special place in Lynn Kelly’s life. Ms. Kelly grew up in Old Town, Staten Island, has resided in Brooklyn’s Park Slope and now in Gowanus, and attended New York University in Greenwich Village. In reflecting on her life and career, Ms. Kelly said that “New York City has been the one thread through everything.” Ms. Kelly has dedicated her career to improving the City one job at a time. Currently, … <Read More>

$200 Million for New Boilers and Heating Systems Upgrade For NYCHA Developments

A $200 million investment will be used to replace boilers and upgrade heating systems at 20 NYCHA developments. On January 31, 2018, Mayor de Blasio announced the investment aimed at assisting NYCHA developments experiencing chronic outages. The $200 million investment is part of the Mayor’s investment in NYCHA including $2.1 billion in capital infrastructure and $1.6 billion in operating funds. The upgrades are expected to save NYCHA approximately $5 million per year in energy costs.

New Special Permit for Self-Storage Facilities: An Imperfect Victory for Industrial Jobs Advocates

The final legislative session of 2017 saw an active NYC City Council scrambling to pass almost 40 bills before the term’s end.  Among these legislative actions was the passage of a zoning text amendment for the creation of a special permit that will limit self-storage facilities in NYC’s Industrial Business Zones (IBZ’s).  City Council’s vote in favor of the new special permit is a victory for the industrial and manufacturing sectors, albeit an imperfect victory … <Read More>

No documents sinks Triton Structural Concrete extra work claim

Contractor redesigned and re-fabricated roof of rink as part of a time and materials contract. On September 19, 2013, the Department of Design and Construction awarded a $5.1 million contract to Triton Structural Concrete, Inc. to construct the Ocean Breeze Indoor Horse Riding Arena in Staten Island. The rink was to serve as the headquarters for Helping Others Overcome Personal Handicaps, a therapeutic riding program. Because of 2012’s Superstorm Sandy, the DDC required an enclosed … <Read More>

Triton Structural Concrete Failed to Reserve $790,125 Claim

Contractor hired to repair Hurricane Sandy damage failed to list dispute when seeking time extensions on project. In 2009, the Department of Design and Construction awarded Triton Structural Concrete, Inc. a $105,003,443 contract to rebuild and repair various beachfront structures in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island that were damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The contract required Triton to install prefabricated modular buildings on driven pile foundations along several sections of the beachfront.