City Planning Certifies City Applications to Build Borough-Based Jails

The four jails are set to replace Rikers island by 2027. On March 25, 2019, the City Planning Commission certified the City’s application for four borough-based jails as a part of the City’s plan to shut down Rikers Island. The four jails – in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn – will have a total of 5,748 beds and a capacity of 5,000 inmates. The additional 748 beds will be used to account for taking … <Read More>

Anchor Parks Initiative Reconstruction Begins at Brownsville’s Betsy Head Park

The $30 million reconstruction project brings brand new amenities to the historically underserved Brownsville park. On March 19, 2019, Department of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, Council Member Alicka Ampry-Samuel, Brooklyn Community Board 16, and local students and residents broke ground on the reconstruction of Betsy Head Park in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Betsy Head Park’s reconstruction is one of the five projects of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Anchor Parks Initiative, a $150 million … <Read More>

Department of Buildings Report Shows Construction Decline in 2018

Despite increase in developments, construction in New York City has leveled. On January 22, 2019, Department of Buildings Commissioner, Rick D. Chandler, released a report on the City’s construction in 2018. The most significant finding from the report was that the City’s construction activity has leveled off after its real estate and development boom. The number of construction permits Buildings issued decreased in 2018. In 2018, Buildings issued 165,908 construction permits while in 2017, they … <Read More>

Bronx Borough President Issues Proposal to Preserve Preferential Rent Housing

Borough President Diaz proposes new policy to prevent homelessness and displacement of tenants of preferential rent units. On December 13, 2018, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. issued a report titled “The Preferential Rent Crisis in New York City.” The report examines the scope of the preferential rent issue in all five boroughs and the risk tenants of preferential rent apartments face should landlords increase their rents to the legal registered rent for those units. … <Read More>

Comptroller Study Finds Majority of Lobbies in NYCHA Buildings Have Unsecured Doors

NYCHA residences throughout the five boroughs have serious security lapses from propped open and broken doors. On October 12, 2018, the City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released the results of an investigative survey on the exterior door security at New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments. Between July and August 2018, auditors visited 299 NYCHA developments and observed the conditions of exterior doors. The auditors observed 4,551 doors in development in the five boroughs.