Hearings held on Morris Lapidus’ buildings

Summit Hotel and Crawford Clothes Building considered for designation. On March 29, 2005, Landmarks held a joint public hearing on two buildings designed by the modern architect Morris Lapidus: the 1961 sea-foam brick Summit Hotel at Lexington and East 51st Street and the 1948 Crawford Clothes Building, also known as the Paterson Silk building, at West 14th Street and University Place.

brothers Preston Robert and Laurence Tisch, following the success of his modern Florida hotels, … <Read More>

Plaza Hotel interior rooms slated for public hearing

Landmarks takes first step towards designation of the Plaza’s interiors. On March 8, 2005, Landmarks voted to hold a hearing on the designation of five public interior rooms of the Plaza Hotel: the Oak Room, the Oak Bar, the Palm Court and the entrance lobbies at West 59th Street and Grand Army Plaza. By a second vote on March 15, 2005, Landmarks added the Plaza’s Terrace Room and first floor of the Grand Ballroom to … <Read More>

Project Greenhope housing facility approved

Facility to provide transitional housing for formerly incarcerated women. The Planning Commission approved a 49-unit, seven-story new building to serve as a substance abuse treatment facility and transitional housing for 70 homeless women ex-offenders, of whom an estimated 28 will have children residing with them. The new building, which will be funded by the New York State Homeless Housing Assistance Program, will be located at 435 East 119th Street in East Harlem and managed by … <Read More>

Sale of Two Columbus Circle gets go ahead

Environmental study ruled proper; Landmarks not obligated to hold public hearing. Two Columbus Circle, the white marble-clad, nine-story modernist building fronting Columbus Circle, was at the center of two suits filed against the City. The building, commissioned in 1964 by the A & P Supermarket heir Huntington Hartford for the Gallery of Modern Art, was donated to the City in 1980 after the Gallery closed. In 2003, the Planning Commission approved its sale from the … <Read More>

Changes to former Cocoa Exchange Building Ok’ed

Beaver Building gets new 16th-story addition and significant renovations. Richard Fownes of Cocoa Partners, LP gained approval to renovate the Beaver Building, an individual landmark that housed the N.Y. Cocoa Exchange from 1931-1972. Located on a narrow lot at the junction of Beaver and Pearl Streets, the Beaver Building is flatiron- shaped, steel-framed and has a tripartite design, prevalent in early New York skyscrapers, with three sections: a vertically-aligned stone base, a horizontal-patterned brick center … <Read More>

Owner ordered to restore and maintain landmark

Owner of Skidmore House allowed it to fall into state of disrepair. Skidmore House, a 159-yearold Greek revival residence located at 37 East 4th Street, was designated as an individual landmark in 1970. Since acquiring Skidmore House in 1988, the owner, 10-12 Cooper Square, Inc., neglected to maintain it and ignored several requests by Landmarks to repair it. After the roof collapsed in 2002, Landmarks sued the owner to return the landmark to a state … <Read More>