Kiosks and trailblazing signs approved for downtown

Signs requested by MetroTech BID and local businesses. Landmarks issued a binding report approving MetroTech BID’s proposal to install “way finding signage” throughout downtown Brooklyn. The proposal developed more than three years ago from a general consensus among MetroTech and downtown Brooklyn business groups that there was a lack of signage in downtown Brooklyn to assist pedestrians in finding key destinations. Initially using its own funds, and later obtaining capital funding from Brooklyn Borough President … <Read More>

Signs ok’ed for Rockefeller Center’s new observation deck

Full Council approved zoning amendment granting special authority to Planning Commission Chair. On June 23, 2005, the City Council unanimously approved an amendment to the zoning resolution allowing the Chair of the Planning Commission to authorize the use of illuminated signs in lots occupied by a landmark. The amended zoning resolution applied only to the Fifth Avenue Subdistrict of the Special Midtown District, and impacts the New York Public Library, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and St. … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/12/24







by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


State Board of Elections Sued Over the Equal Rights Amendment’s Ballot Language

A new law enacted last year requires ballot language for voter referendum questions in New York State to be written in plain language at “no higher than an eighth-grade reading level.” The ballot language for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which was approved to appear on the November ballot, has … <Read More>

City Announces Start of Rosedale Infrastructure Improvement Project

On July 31, 2024, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT), and the New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announced the commencement of a $51.8 million infrastructure program in Rosedale, Queens. The program has been created in response to the severe flooding episodes in Rosedale over the years and climate change. This project will be managed by the New York City Department … <Read More>