City Council Unanimously Approves Legislation to Prevent Gas Explosions [UPDATE: Mayor Signs Legislation]

gas explosionsUPDATE: On December 6, 2016, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed the package of bills to increase gas safety in New York City. “Gas safety is important for all New Yorkers, and this legislative package will resolve numerous regulatory oversights,” said the Mayor. “These reforms will ensure both property owners and utility companies are accountable for keeping buildings safe.”

“In a relatively short time we’ve seen a number of gas explosions take place in the City; … <Read More>

Mayor Bill de Blasio Signs into Law Domestic Violence Housing Discrimination Ban and Green Construction bills

New York City Council Member and Deputy Leader Jumaane Williams sponsored both bills, which were signed alongside a green building construction bill sponsored by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.  On March 28, 2016, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law two major pieces of legislation, sponsored by New York City Council Member and Deputy Leader Jumaane Williams, respectively titled the Domestic Violence Housing Discrimination Ban and the Green Construction bills. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito … <Read More>

ECB Upholds Buildings Advertising Signs Violation in Brooklyn

Board agreed zoning prohibited advertising signs painted on the wall.  On March 29, 2014 the Department of Buildings issued five notices of violation against the Respondent, Metropolitan Avenue 298-308 Associates, Inc., for a prohibited outdoor advertising company sign painted onto the wall of 302 Metropolitan Avenue and failing to comply with previous Buildings orders in 2011 to correct previously-displayed signs.

Mayor Signs Tenants’ Bill Of Rights into Law

Laws require tenants to be informed of landlord responsibilities and increase penalties for tenant harassment. On September 30, 2014 Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Local Law 45 and Local Law 47 of 2014 into law. The bills, referred to as the Tenants’ Bill Of Rights, were sponsored by Council Member Fernando Cabrera and Council Member Margaret Chin respectively, and are directed to increase protection of New York City tenants.

Signs and Billboards: What’s Legal and What’s Not?

Sign installation in New York City triggers regulations governing location, size, illumination, and construction. The New York City Building Code and the New York City Zoning Resolution are the two main bodies of law governing signs in New York City. The Building Code regulates the construction and maintenance of signs, such as permissible construction materials, and is primarily concerned with public health and safety. The Zoning Resolution, while implicating issues of public health and safety, … <Read More>

ECB Upholds $40,000 in Fines for Illegal Signs on Bodega

Company argued that two promotional contest signs installed at bodega were accessory signs. On September 9, 2010, the City’s Department of Buildings issued four notices of violation to Contest Promotions NY LLC for two signs installed at the New Grocery and Deli located at 175 Grand Street in Brooklyn. Contest Promotions is a promotional company that works with businesses to promote contests and sweepstakes. The sign featured advertisements for the Nikita television program and … <Read More>