Hearings Held On Three Potential Individual Landmarks Ahead Of Rezoning

The landmarking of two buildings constructed as schools and a former meatpacking plant receive support at public hearing. On February 13, 2018, Landmarks held hearings on the potential designations of three structures as individual City landmarks in the East Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan. The three buildings are the former Richard Webber Harlem Packing House, at 207 East 119th Street; the former Public School 109, at 215 East 99th Street; and the former Benjamin … <Read More>

BSA Grants Appeal for Caretaker Apartment in Sign Painting Shop

Sign Painting Shop in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn was granted an appeal to include a caretaker’s apartment within the property. The owners of 1109 Metropolitan Avenue in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn are planning to convert the property into the Sign Painting Shop, which will include a proposed caretaker apartment as an accessory use. On May 4, 2015, Department of Buildings (“Buildings”) determined that the proposed caretaker apartment was not permitted in the manufacturing zoning district. On December … <Read More>

Exterior and Interior of Colonial Revival Building Added to Commission’s Calendar

Headquarters of the National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of New York serves as both club house and museum. On December 12, 2017, Landmarks voted to add the Headquarters of the National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of New York to its calendar for consideration as both an exterior and interior City landmark.  The Neo-Colonial building, at 215 East 71st Street, was completed in 1930 to designs by architect Richard … <Read More>

Two City Island Residences Designated as Individual Landmarks

A late 19th century wood-framed Queen Anne style cottage and rare 1930 Sears Roebuck prefabricated bungalow both added to Landmarks portfolio. On November 28, 2017, Landmarks voted to designate two buildings on City Island in the Bronx as individual City landmarks. Both structures are single-family dwellings. The Samuel H. and Mary T. Booth House dates to the late 1800s, and stands at 30 Centre Street, and the 1930 Captain John H. Stafford House at … <Read More>

City Planning Approves National Black Theater Building in East Harlem

The National Black Theater is developing new performance space, retail space, and 240 residential units, including 72 affordable units, in East Harlem. On October 18, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application by NBT Victory Development LLC. The application for a zoning map amendment, a zoning text amendment, and a special permit to waive required parking will facilitate the development of a 20-story mixed-used building including housing, retail space, and … <Read More>