Proposed Development Would Bring MIH to Windsor Terrace

City Council member raises concerns about effects of rezoning on adjacent stables. On September 5, 2018, the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises held a hearing on an application by developer, 57 Caton Partners, LLC, to rezone 57 Caton Place in the Windsor Terrace neighborhood of Brooklyn. The developer is requesting a zoning map amendment and zoning text amendments to facilitate the development of a new nine-story, mixed-use building.

Blocked Brooklyn Bridge View Claim Defeated

Development corporation constructed buildings in Brooklyn Bridge Park that blocked view of the Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Promenade. In 2005 Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation and Empire State Development Corporation adopted a general project plan for Brooklyn Bridge Park that included the development of a hotel, restaurant, and residential units upland of Brooklyn’s Pier 1. Community members demanded during the initial environmental review that the new buildings not block the view of the Brooklyn … <Read More>

Advertising Sign Violations Upheld

Clear Channel Outdoor installed a monopole on a vacant lot to support two large billboards near the Major Deegan Expressway. In 2009, Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. installed a double-sided sign structure within view of the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx. The monopole structure supported a sign for Clear Channel on one side and a sign for Beringer wines on the other. The premises was vacant other than the monopole sign structure. A building with … <Read More>

Two Far Rockaway Civic Structures Designated Individual City Landmarks

Both dating to the early 20th century, firehouse and police precinct station designated in part for their role in Far Rockaway’s development as a year-round residential community. At its meeting on May 29, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate two buildings in in the Far Rockaway neighborhood of Queens as individual City landmarks. The buidlings are the 53rd Police Precinct Police Station, at 16-12 Mott Avenue, and the Firehouse, Engine Companies 264 … <Read More>

Hearings Held on Two East Midtown Early-20th-Century Buildings

Support for individual landmark designations of Beaux-Arts Hotel and Neo-Renaissance Office Building expressed at hearing. On February 20, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held public hearings on the potential designations of Hotel Seville and the Emmet Building, both in East Midtown, in the area to the north of Madison Square. Landmarks added both buildings to its calendar in December of 2017.