De Blasio Administration Bans Alcohol Advertisements on City Property

The ban was created to protect the health of New Yorkers. On April 30, 2019, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an Executive Order that immediately banned all alcohol advertising on City property, including bus shelters, newsstands, phone booths, recycling kiosks and Wi-Fi LinkNYC kiosks. The administration sought the ban to protect New Yorkers from exposure to alcohol advertisements which can lead to an increased likelihood and quantity of alcohol consumption.

De Blasio Administration Promises to Eliminate Childhood Lead Exposure

LeadFreeNYC’s programs will be fully in place within 24 months. On January 28, 2019, Mayor Bill de Blasio along with Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia, announced the LeadFreeNYC plan, a Roadmap to Eliminating Childhood Lead Exposure. The plan was put together following a 90-day review of all City agencies’ policies related to lead prevention. The plan builds upon the City’s current commitment to lowering lead exposure. The Mayor aims to use the full powers of … <Read More>

Comptroller’s Report Shows Scope of City’s Affordable Housing Crisis

The report closes in on housing needs for low- and extremely low-income households and proposes four initiatives on how to provide affordable housing for these households. On November 28, 2018, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released its NYC for All: The Housing We Need report showing the scope of the City’s affordable housing crisis. According to the report, the city’s population grew nearly half a million between 2009 and 2017 and city employment … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Considers Rezoning Near Brooklyn Botanical Garden

If approved, the rezoning will make way for construction of over 500 new apartments in Crown Heights. On September 26, 2018, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on a rezoning application for Franklin Avenue in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. The rezoning would allow construction of two new 16-story buildings at 40 Crown Street and 931 Carroll Street. Both buildings are a block east of the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.

Greenpoint Hospital To Become Affordable Housing

Former hospital site will feature 512 affordable units and a new shelter for New Yorkers experiencing homelessness. On September 13, 2018, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development announced that a team had been selected to transform the Greenpoint Hospital site into a mixed-use development. The new development located at 288 Jackson Street will feature approximately 512 affordable units and a new shelter for 200 New Yorkers.

City Mandatory Rental Terms Violated State Law

Rental Assistance program sought to establish lease renewal and limit rent increases based on rent stabilization regulations. In 2015, prospective tenants Regina Alston and Sandra Vaughn-Cooke inquired about apartment vacancies at Spring Creek Towers. Starrett City, Inc. owns Spring Creek Towers, located in the East New York neighborhood in Brooklyn. Spring Creek Towers is an apartment complex with 5,881 apartments. Alston and Vaughn-Cooke both had Living in Communities (LINC) rental vouchers. Starrett City, Inc. … <Read More>