Parks Dept Launches NYC Water Safety Campaign for Beaches

The campaign was created after beaches have finally reopened for the summer. On July 9, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation announced a new NYC water safety campaign.  The campaign aims to inform New Yorkers about how quickly drownings can happen and remind beachgoers to only swim at designated beaches when lifeguards are on duty. The NYC Department of Parks and Recreation will also post signage and flags to identify areas where … <Read More>

Non-Essential Construction in the City is Suspended Due to COVID-19 Emergency

All construction permits will need to be active and renewed during the suspension period.  On March 30, 2020, the Department of Buildings announced that all work on non-essential construction and demolition sites is suspended for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Buildings made the decision to suspend such construction and demolition following Governor Andrew Cuomo’s amended executive order and the Empire State Development Corporation’s guidelines. The executive order, which required non-essential businesses <Read More>

Governor Andrew Cuomo Limits Activities to Essential Businesses, Small Businesses Feeling Impact

Governor Cuomo further encouraging New Yorkers to telecommute and stay home. On March 18, 2020,  the Empire State Development Corporation issued guidance for Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Order Number 202.6, which requires that to the maximum extent possible, all businesses and not-for profit entities throughout the state utilize work from home and telecommuting procedures. This executive order comes as an update to Executive Order 202, which, on March 7, 2020, declared a state of … <Read More>

Citywide Policy Adjustments Made by Agencies and Industries Responsible for Housing

COVID-19 outbreak has forced NYCHA and DHS to take extra precaution. Throughout the City and State, agencies and industries responsible for housing individuals, are taking measures and adopting policies to address the COVID-19 health crisis. The policies and measures generally focus on preventing the spread of disease, isolating infected individuals and answering questions on how compromised services would operate. In the hospitality industry many have also implemented policies regarding the refunds and the cancellation of … <Read More>

Chief Administrative Judge Issues Statewide Moratorium on Eviction Proceedings in Wake of Corona Crisis

REBNY, Legal Aid and all parties united against evictions during Corona outbreak. On March 15, 2020, the New York State Court System issued an indefinite moratorium on eviction proceedings, effectively allowing many people and families throughout the state to stay in their homes and off the streets or in shelters. Tenant advocates and numerous elected officials argued housing insecurity and homelessness will only exacerbate the COVID-19 threat. The proceedings which a New York City … <Read More>

Workforce Housing Scrapped From Proposed Astoria Development

City Council Subcommittee announces modification to Mega LLC’s proposed development. On January 30, 2020 the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises approved Mega LLC’s ULURP application to rezone Block 769 in Astoria, Queens with a modification to the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing component. The rezoning would help facilitate the construction of an 8-story, mixed-use development. Block 769 in Queens is bounded by Ditmars Avenue to the north, 23rd Avenue to the south, 46th street to … <Read More>