NYLS Honors Four Leaders with Civic Fame Award

Civic Fame is the colossal, 25-foot tall gilded female figure in a flowing robe who stands barefoot on a sphere at the top of the Municipal Building overlooking City Hall. Civic Fame, created in 1913 by sculptor Adolph Weinman, carries a five-sectioned crown representing the five boroughs, and a shield and laurel branch representing victory and triumph.

On May 1, 2015, the statue also became the name of a new award by New York Law … <Read More>

Taxis: Yellow, Green and Black: Competition & Evolution

On a daily basis I am reminded that seemingly everyone loves to talk about taxis. Last year between the Daily News, the Post and Times, there were over 2,000 articles mentioning taxis, which transport about a million people a day – yet only about 3,000 articles mentioning subways which transport six-million people a day. Travelers and New Yorkers are clearly disproportionally obsessed with taxis.

Assuming that what people ask me is representative of what’s on … <Read More>

Weisbrod Highlights East New York as Test for Affordable Housing

At the CityLaw Breakfast on September 5, 2014, Carl Weisbrod laid out the De Blasio Administration’s housing policy. As was widely reported, the City will look to implement mandatory inclusionary housing on all City-sponsored rezonings. One of the first tests of this new policy is the privately sponsored Astoria Cove development in Queens, where an affordable component will likely be required if approved under ULURP.