City Housing Commissioner Steps Down After Three Years of Progress

Vicki Been stepped down as Commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to return to academia. On January 17, 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that Commissioner Vicki Been would step down to return to teaching at New York University as the Boxer Family Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Furman Center. Prior to her appointment, Been served as the Director of NYU’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, … <Read More>

Four New Yorkers Honored with Civic Fame Awards

Four great New Yorkers were honored with Civic Fame Awards at the CityLaw Breakfast on May 26, 2016.  The Civic Fame Award recognizes persons who have made significant contributions to the civic life of New York City. In a happy and joyous ceremony, each awardee was individually presented with a specially created certificate bearing the striking image of the 25-foot-high, gilded figure of Civic Fame which stands on top of the Municipal Building.

Judge Kaye’s Vision for Consolidation and Simplification of the Trial Courts

Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, who passed away at age 77 on January 6, 2016, left us some unfinished business to do: court reform. In 1998 Judge Kaye lobbied for a constitutional amendment that would have consolidated and simplified the New York trial court system. She hoped to get the legislative approval for a constitutional amendment and the required referendum during the 1998 and 1999 legislative sessions, followed by a vote on the referendum at … <Read More>

Remembering Judge Judith S. Kaye

We at New York Law School mourn Judith S. Kaye who passed away at age 77 on January 6. 2016.  Judge Kaye spoke three times at New York Law School’s CityLaw Breakfasts. In those talks she shared her passion for challenges that mattered to her: court reform and juvenile justice.The Center for New York City Law was fortunate to have taped her remarks. To get a sense of her intelligence and capacity to move people … <Read More>

Commissioner Vicki Been on the de Blasio Administration’s Comprehensive Plan for Affordable Housing

At the CityLaw Breakfast on November 13, 2015 Commissioner Vicki Been outlined the de Blasio Administration’s recent actions and efforts to advance a coherent and far reaching housing policy for New York City, one that provides more affordable housing for low-income and working-class New Yorkers, strengthens neighborhoods, and at the same time protects those residents who are already benefiting from and have a continued need for affordable housing.

2015 Center For New York City Law Accomplishments

In this season of Thanksgiving, the Center for New York City Law has so many things to be thankful for. As 2015 winds down, our events and publications are enjoying record breaking successes this year.

Without the kind and generous support of our donors-individuals like you-the Center for New York City Law would not be what it is today. For this we thank you.

During this time for giving, we ask you to support our … <Read More>