CityLaw Breakfasts Kick Off the New Academic Year

To a packed house on Friday, August 28, 2015, at 8:30 a.m., Dean Anthony Crowell called to order the 127th CityLaw Breakfast. The morning’s speaker was Carl Weisbrod, Chairman of the City Planning Commission, and the topic was affordable housing. Friday mornings in late August are not ideal for a business breakfast. Nevertheless, more than 200 people attended. They enjoyed the coffee, fruit and muffins, but they came because CityLaw Breakfasts play … <Read More>

COMPLETE VIDEO: The 128th CityLaw Breakfast Panel on September 11th, 2001

On Friday September 11, 2015, the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School hosted the 128th City Law Breakfast. The speakers were a roundtable of Jeffrey Friedlander, Steven Fishner, Marjorie Landa, Bryan Grimaldi, and Florence Hutner discussing their roles as attorneys for the City on September 11th, 2001 and in the days after.

EVENT REMINDER: CityLaw Breakfast – The City’s Lawyers and September 11th

9.11 Panel Flyer-091115-v1 - Copy

The Center for New York City Law cordially invites you to a City Law Breakfast


The City’s Lawyers and September 11th:  A Breakfast Roundtable Discussion

featuring (office held in 2001):

Jeffrey D. Friedlander (Law Department)

Steven Fishner (Criminal Justice Coordinator)

Marjorie Landa (Law Department)

Bryan Grimaldi (Mayor’s Office)

Florence Hutner (Law Department)

moderated by Anthony W. Crowell, Dean and President, New York Law School
