Commission approves Atlantic Avenue BID

Proposed Atlantic Avenue BID. Image Courtesy of

Proposal encompasses more than 400 businesses. On January 5, 2011, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of Small Business Services’ plan to create the Atlantic Avenue Business Improvement District for 738 tax lots and more than 400 commercial businesses in Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill neighborhoods. The BID would extend along Atlantic Avenue from Fourth Avenue to the east and the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway to the … <Read More>

Brian Cook Discusses Land Use Under the Manhattan Borough President

Brian Cook, Director of Land Use for Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer, first developed an interest in land use while pursuing a degree in Metropolitan Studies from New York University. Cook stayed on to pursue a master’s degree in Public Policy with the hopes of learning how international governments shape land use policy. During his studies, however, Cook says he was “fascinated” by a course that centered on New York City’s Uniform Land … <Read More>

Sunset Park 197-a plan OK’d

The City Planning Commission had refused recommendation to relocate sanitation garage on the 52nd Street Pier. On December 21, 2009, the City Council approved Brooklyn Community Board 7’s comprehensive plan to improve the Sunset Park waterfront, known as “New Connections/ New Opportunities – Sunset Park 197-a Plan.” The waterfront is zoned primarily for manufacturing uses and fell into disrepair in the 1960s and 1970s. The City owns most of the waterfront property.

CB7 began the … <Read More>

East Side transfer station clears judicial hurdle

Sanitation proposed to reopen marine waste transfer station near Asphalt Green and Bobby Wagner Walk. After the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island closed in 2001, the Department of Sanitation contracted with privately-owned transfer stations, landfills, and waste-to-energy facilities to dispose of residential waste. Sanitation now delivers a large percentage of waste to transfer stations within the City, where tractor- trailers pick up the waste and drive it to landfills in other states.

In 2004, … <Read More>

Sunset Park Community Board’s 197-a Plan heard

Community board puts forward its own plan to revitalize industrial waterfront. On October 7, 2009, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on Brooklyn Community Board 7’s plan to revitalize the Sunset Park waterfront. The plan is permitted under section 197-a of the City Charter, which authorizes community boards to propose a framework for future development in their districts. CB7 developed the comprehensive proposal over a thirteen-year period with input from local residents, businesses, and civic … <Read More>

Value with variance OK’d

In eminent domain case court ruled that appraisal could be based on assumption that variance would be granted. The City acquired title to a vacant M1-2 property, owned by Congregation Adas Yereim, through eminent domain. The property’s zoning allowed light manufacturing uses as-of-right, but prohibited residential uses. Prior to condemnation, Congregation had already begun the process of applying for a special permit and variance that would have allowed it to build a five-story school and … <Read More>