Sanitation determined polystyrene foam products were unrecyclable. Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia’s decision that expanded polystyrene cannot be recycled has been upheld by the Appellate Division. The decision paves the way for the City to ban the use of expanded polystyrene single service articles.
Search Results for: Sanitation
Extra Payment for Repair Work Denied
Contractor sought compensation for repairing damages caused during an additional work contract. In 2009, Sanitation entered into a $161 million contract with Prismatic Development Corporation to improve the North Shore Marine Transfer Station in Queens. Prismatic, following Sanitation’s plans and specifications, installed a new deck and concrete overlay on the Transfer Station’s exterior ramp. The concrete overlay later developed extensive cracking. Sanitation conceded that an error in the design documents provided by Sanitation to Prismatic … <Read More>
Subcontractor’s Claim Against Prime Contractor Upheld
Prime contractor agreed to process subcontractor’s extra work claim, but failed to file a timely claim. The Department of Sanitation in 200 awarded a contract to Arnell Construction Corp. to build two new sanitation garages for Districts 1 and 4 located at 161 Varick Street in Brooklyn. Arnell then signed a $3 million subcontract with Rad & D’Aprile, Inc. to perform masonry work on the project.
Homeowner Fined $100 For Failure To Remove Snow
Homeowner failed to remove snow from the sidewalk within the allotted four-hour time frame. Sanitation on March 15, 2017 at 10:49 p.m. charged Chen Nimchuk Jing with failing to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of her premises. The summons stated that there was no attempt to salt, sand or shovel a path for pedestrians, and the snow storm had officially ended on March 14, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. The Administrative Code … <Read More>
Maintaining New York City’s Trees
Trees are planted right into the backdrop of New York City. While there are only about 600,000 trees in the City, many of them occupy the sidewalks and streets in front of our homes. Given the dense population of the City, apartment buildings and houses are built right on top of each other. The trees planted on City streets and sidewalks need to be cared for otherwise, they can cause damage and problems for the … <Read More>
Installation and Disposal of AC Units
Failure to install or dispose of an air conditioning unit correctly can lead to fines ranging from as little as $100 to $1000. It could be hard to survive the summer heat in New York without an air conditioning unit. There are a few tips New Yorkers should recognize about the installation and disposal of air conditioning units. The Department of Buildings has also provided a set of guidelines on their website for the installation … <Read More>