Op-Ed Response: Pandemic May Necessitate Mail-In Ballots

The following is an op-ed in response to Professor Ross Sandler’s Commentary regarding mail-in ballots and the election. To read that piece, click here

I think Ross Sandler makes some very good points in this editorial on mail-in ballots.  I think, however, that we have an exceptional situation with this year’s election.  Part of the problem in thinking about the mail-in ballot issue is that it takes a fair amount of time to undertake … <Read More>

COMMENTARY: Bike Safety: Engineering, Education and Enforcement

The City aggressively attacks unsafe conditions for bike riders on the City’s streets and avenues, but less successfully attacks unsafe behaviors of bike riders. Unsafe conditions can mostly be engineered away, but unsafe behaviors require changes of a cultural nature. The City in 2019 experienced 28 bike rider deaths and more than 4,000 bike injuries. So far 2020 has experienced more bike injuries than in 2019. To make the City safer for bike riders, the … <Read More>

Bicycle Riding and Injuries, Tort Claims and Defenses

Bike riding is enjoyable, healthy and fun. It can also be dangerous. The City is heavily invested in encouraging bike riding and bike safety. Yet, accidents happen, and when they do bike riders may opt to sue. Bike riders receive no special status as tort plaintiffs. Bike riders in court live by the same rules that govern tort claims by pedestrians and car drivers. As New York courts have repeatedly stated, a “bicyclist is required … <Read More>

COMPLETE VIDEO: 166th CityLaw Breakfast with Janet Sabel, CEO, The Legal Aid Society

On Friday, February 14, 2020, Legal Aid Society CEO, Janet Sabel, spoke at the 166th CityLaw Breakfast at New York Law School. Ms. Sabel was introduced by New York Law School Professor Alvin Bragg. Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law and Dean Anthony W. Crowell gave opening remarks. This Breakfast was sponsored by ConEdison, GreenbergTraurig, and Verizon. The Impact Center for Public Interest Law also co-sponsored the event. Attorney-in-chief … <Read More>

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 166th CityLaw Breakfast with Janel Sabel, Attorney-in-Chief and CEO, The Legal Aid Society

Dean Anthony W. Crowell and

 Professor Ross Sandler, Director 

cordially invite you to the 166th CityLaw Breakfast

Featuring Speaker

Janet Sabel, Attorney-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer, The Legal Aid Society


Friday, February 14, 2020


8:15 AM