Private right of action under Federal law rejected

Beachfront bungalow owner sued City agencies claiming violations of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act. Ankor Shacaf obtained permits to demolish four bungalows and construct four homes in Far Rockaway, Queens. Shacaf erected a fence around the construction site, which obstructed a private right-of-way to the beach. Neighbor Richard George, owner of a bungalow on Beach 26th Street in Far Rockaway, sued Buildings and City Planning, claiming that the agencies violated the Coastal Zone Management … <Read More>

Parks Department Launches Mulchfest 2022 for Collection of Christmas Trees

In 2020, the Parks Department broke a record with over 50,900 trees mulched. Today, December 26, 2022, the Parks Department launches this year’s “Mulchfest,” where New Yorkers can mulch their live Christmas trees at locations in all five boroughs. The mulch can be used for gardening and to improve soil fertility. The mulch helps retain moisture, adds nutrients, and keeps roots warm. The mulch Parks collects is used to help city trees and community gardens <Read More>