Dutch Colonial farmhouse considered

Lakeman House

Landmarks first considered the recently restored, 300-year-old farmhouse in 1966. On August 10, 2010, Landmarks held a hearing on the possible designation of the Lakeman House, at 2286 Richmond Road in Staten Island. The Dutch Colonial farmhouse, built between 1683 and 1714, is one of the borough’s oldest homes. Landmarks first considered the building in 1966.

The farmhouse is situated on land granted to Lewis Lakeman by colonial Governor Edmund Andros in 1675. … <Read More>

Two Federal-style homes on the Bowery considered

One building owner intended to demolish house in order to build seven-story office. On July 13, 2010, Landmarks heard testimony on the possible designation of two separately owned Federal-style rowhouses located at 135 and 206 Bowery in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. When the houses were built in the early 1800s, the Bowery was considered a fashionable upper-class residential and commercial district. While both buildings have undergone extensive alterations, they retain their essential forms and characteristics. … <Read More>

Replica of illegally removed balcony approved

Condo board demolished eleventh-floor balcony during facade restoration without Landmarks’ approval. On June 15, 2010, Landmarks approved a proposal to reconstruct an illegally demolished balcony on a twelve-story condominium at 105 West 72nd Street in the Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District. The condominium board removed the eleventh-floor balcony of the building in 1992 without Landmarks’ approval. In 2004, Landmarks denied the board’s application to legalize the demolition. Four years later, the board filed … <Read More>

Battery Park’s Pier A renovation plan approved

Commissioners praised overall plan for long-dormant and dilapidated landmarked building, but requested modifications to its paint scheme. On February 16, 2010, Landmarks approved changes to a renovation plan for Pier A, an individual City landmark in Lower Manhattan’s Battery Park. In 1992, Landmarks issued a report approving Pier A’s renovation and adaptive reuse. The new plan included changes to the proposed paint scheme and to the doors and windows. The three-story, Beaux-Arts style Pier A … <Read More>

Penn Club designated

30 West 44th Street Image: CityLand

Beaux-Arts style building once housed Yale’s bachelor graduates,and is currently occupied by the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Club. On February 9, 2010, Landmarks voted unanimously to designate the former Yale Club at 30 West 44th Street as an individual City landmark. Marc Eidlitz & Son built the eleven-story Beaux-Arts style building in 1901. The firm of Tracy & Swartwout designed the structure to function as living, dining, and social … <Read More>

West Park Presbyterian Church landmarked

Church officials and congregation opposed designation. On January 12, 2010, Landmarks designated West Park Presbyterian Church at 165 West 86th Street in Manhattan’s Upper West Side. The Romanesque Revival building’s development occurred in two phases. Leopold Eidlitz designed a small chapel completed in 1883. When the church outgrew the building in 1889, it commissioned Henry Kilburn to build a new sanctuary and redesign the small chapel’s facade. Kilburn’s design features distinctive red sandstone cladding, round … <Read More>