City Planning Certifies City Applications to Build Borough-Based Jails

The four jails are set to replace Rikers island by 2027. On March 25, 2019, the City Planning Commission certified the City’s application for four borough-based jails as a part of the City’s plan to shut down Rikers Island. The four jails – in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn – will have a total of 5,748 beds and a capacity of 5,000 inmates. The additional 748 beds will be used to account for taking … <Read More>

DCP Announces a Faster and Enhanced ZoLa

The ZoLa 2.0 update adds features that allow users to customize maps, view explanatory information, and see indicators about a property. On March 5, 2019, Department of City Planning Director Marissa Lago announced improvements to the agency’s Zoning and Land Use Application (ZoLa). ZoLa is a free online mapping tool that provides simple ways to research zoning regulations for a property, discover new land use proposals in a neighborhood, and view the location of historic … <Read More>

Landmarks Calendars Four Sunset Park Historic Districts

Landmarks research staff spent several years researching the area, surveying and documenting over 4,000 buildings. On January 22, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously voted to add to its calendar four areas of Sunset Park, Brooklyn for historic district designation. The proposals were presented to the Commission following years of extensive survey and analysis by the Landmarks research staff after a request for evaluation of the area from Sunset Park’s Landmarks Committee in 2014. The … <Read More>

Ballot Proposal Creates Commission To Assist With Community Board Land Use Guidance

Proposed Civic Engagement Commission would connect community boards with land use experts and training based on community board needs.  In February 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a Charter Revision Commission. The Commission began holding public meetings in April. On September 4, 2018, the New York City Charter Revision Commission released its final report on its recommended charter amendments. The final report discussed several topics, including land use and community boards. 

Church Seeks To Develop Affordable Housing Amidst Opposition From Residents

The 100% affordable housing development faced height and scale opposition by neighborhood residents. On April 11, 2018, the City Planning Commission heard proposals for the 142-150 South Portland Avenue Rezoning in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. The rezoning is led by the Hanson Place Adventist Church, who seeks to develop a mixed-use residential building. The proposal will create a new 13-story building owned by the Church.  The plan will also allow for commercial use on the … <Read More>

Audit Faults Shelter Contracts

State Comptroller’s audit criticized the high costs of past homeless shelters leases; the agency responded that it is in the process of tightening its leasing procedures. In October of 2017, the New York State Comptroller’s office released an audit regarding contracts signed over the past four years between the City and landlords providing homeless shelters. The audit found that the Department of Homeless Services does not have written policies and standard operating procedures for key … <Read More>