Landmarks Chair testified that changes could be better promulgated through agency rule-making rather than by legislative fiat. On September 9, 2015 the City Council held a hearing on two potential bills that would alter the Landmarks Law section of the Administrative Code. The hearing drew a crowd that filled the main Council chamber, with over 100 people filling out forms to testify on the proposals.
Search Results for: Rent stabilization
Manhattan Developer Pays $4.7 Million in Tax Evasion Settlement
Attorney General Schneiderman found the developer was operating a building as an illegal hotel while receiving a 421-a property tax exemption. On February 26, 2015 New York State Attorney-General Eric Schneiderman announced reaching a settlement with 47 East 34th Street LP over illegally evading New York property taxes. The LP owns an apartment building at 47 East 34th Street in Manhattan which is exempt from property tax under the 421-a program, however the Attorney General’s … <Read More>
Public Housing Committee Holds Oversight Hearing on NYCHA Private Investment
NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye answered questions on the Triboro Preservation Partners agreement. On February 10, 2015 the City Council Committee on Public Housing held an oversight hearing on Triborough Preservation Partners, a public-private agreement between the New York City Housing Authority, L+M Development Partners, and BFC Partners. The venture was designed to rehabilitate six of NYCHA’s Section 8 properties containing nine hundred units: Bronxchester Houses, Saratoga Square, Campos Plaza, Milbank-Frawley, East 4th … <Read More>
The Williams: Single Room Occupancy Housing Rights in New York City
The City of New York experienced a massive influx of unmarried immigrants prior to World War II. For many of these men and women, hotel-style accommodations were more convenient and affordable than rental apartments. Such units generally did not include kitchens, but some included bathrooms. Many City newcomers preferred the old-world comforts of a communal kitchen.
For many New Yorkers without the physical or socio-economic resources necessary to maintain their own homes, single-room occupancy accommodations … <Read More>
Helping Small Businesses Stabilize Themselves: Too Big to Fail or Too Small to Let Fail, Both Need Help
It is time to start a real conversation about a small store retail rent stabilization program.
Many neighborhoods , not only in Manhattan, but also in other high use commercial districts in all the boroughs are being shred apart as small Mom and Pop’s just cannot fight back the tide of the enormous run up of commercial retail rents in recent years.