On March 16, 2023, Introduction 124-A (2022) which was originally proposed by Council Member Rafael Salamanca Jr. was officially passed by the NYC Council. On April 16, 2023, it was officially enacted as Local Law 45. The new law requires the Human Resources Administration to designate housing specialists within all temporary shelters and to submit an annual report on housing specialists, ensuring that New Yorkers residing in shelters have access to housing specialists.
Search Results for: Proposed Budget
City Announces Plan to Protect Vulnerable Landmarks
On April 7, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams, along with Landmarks Preservation Commission Chair Sarah Carroll and Buildings Acting Commissioner Kazimir Vilenchik announced a new action plan to improve enforcement tools to preserve historic buildings in New York City. The plan aims to protect landmarked buildings that are at risk of unknown structural conditions, neglect from owners, and negligence by contractors who work on site. The plan aims to enhance communication between Landmarks and Buildings to … <Read More>
City Planning Hears Application for Affordable Housing for Seniors and New Venue for Church in Soundview
The new building will enable the church to provide more services to the local community. On June 8, 2022, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for an application for a mixed use residential and community facility building at 1810 Randall Avenue in the Soundview section of the Bronx. The building, Casa de la Fe, will also hold a church. The applicants are the church, the Second Pentecostal Church of God La Hermosa, and … <Read More>
Prison Populations, The Census, and Prison Gerrymandering
Prison gerrymandering manipulates the boundaries of electoral districts by inflating the districts with incarcerated individuals who have no real relationship to the districts where the prisons are located. Incarcerated individuals in New York are not allowed to vote. As a result, in districts with prisons and large prison populations the votes of the voters who can vote become more powerful compared to the vote of the voters in districts without a prison population. At the … <Read More>
Conflicts Board Adopts New Rules on Post-Employment Restrictions and Gifts
On October 8, 2020, the Conflicts of Interest Board adopted new and important changes to its post-employment rules that restrict former City employees from contacting their former City agencies. The Board, in addition, on May 21, 2021, adopted rules relating to the acceptance of gifts by City employees in certain recurring situations. This article examines these new rules.