Parks Adds “Second Shift” Dedicated Staff to Address Park Cleanliness on Evenings and Weekends

On March 20, 2023, the Parks Department announced that 240 new “second shift” employees had been recently hired to address park cleanliness issues on evenings and weekends. The new deployment of workers will operate on Thursdays through Sundays during evening hours to address trash, litter and graffiti at certain hotspots around the city. The staff’s efforts to clean up trash and litter will also serve as part of the city’s efforts to push back against <Read More>

City Receives Support from New York League of Conservation Voters for City of Yes Carbon Neutrality Proposal Ahead of Public Info Sessions

On March 8, 2023, the New York League of Conservation Voters and NYLCV Education Fund released the 2023 New York City Policy Agenda, which cited support for Mayor Eric Adams’ City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text amendment. The New York League of Conservation Voters is a statewide environmental organization that advocates for clean water and air, renewable energy and open spaces. 

City Planning Commission Discusses Zoning for Carbon Neutrality Amendment Ahead of Public Review Process

Commissioners raised early questions about implementation and funding issues. On January 30, 2023, the City Planning Commission held a review session and overview discussion for the proposed Zoning for Carbon Neutrality amendment, one of the three City of Yes amendments proposed by Mayor Eric Adams last year. The Zoning for Carbon Neutrality amendment aims to reduce or eliminate unnecessary restrictions within the zoning text that inhibit a developer or building owner from using sustainable technology <Read More>

Mayor Announces “Get Stuff Built” Plan to Streamline Building and Land Use Processes

On December 8, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams unveiled New York City’s latest land use roadmap, Get Stuff Built, a complement to his City of Yes zoning proposals announced earlier this year. Get Stuff Built represents a collaborative effort among more than two dozen agencies serving on the Building and Land use Approval Streamlining Taskforce (BLAST), which held 18 working group sessions and four roundtable discussions with more than 50 external stakeholders. Designed to address … <Read More>