NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 07/29/24



By Jeff Wice and Alexis Marking


N.Y.S. Court of Appeals to Hear Early Voting Challenge Appeal Tomorrow 

The state’s highest court will hear arguments tomorrow at 11:00 AM in Stefanik v. Hochul,  an appeal challenging the state’s new law permitting voters to mail-in their ballots during the early voting periods. You can watch the oral arguments here: https://www.nycourts.gov/ctapps/live.html


Equal Rights Amendment Back on New York’s November Ballot

On Tuesday, … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 6/17/24


June 18 Conference- N.Y. Redistricting: What Happened and What’s Next?

New York Law School will host a conference on redistricting from 9:30 to Noon at the school (located at 185 W. Broadway in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood). Panels will focus on the 2014 constitutional amendment, the post-2020 process and what happened, and next steps for a new constitutional amendment before the post-2030 process gets underway. 2022 Court Special Master Jonathan Cervas will keynote the event. … <Read More>

City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Overview: City Celebrates Start of Public Review Process

On April 29, 2024, the City Planning Commission launched the public review process for the proposed City of Yes for Housing Opportunity text amendment. The text amendment is one of three City of Yes amendments aiming to remove or modify outdated provisions within the zoning text that inhibit economic growth, the ability for developers to build, and the implementation of green technology and infrastructure. 

HPD Announces Bergen Green Affordable Housing Project in Latest 24 in 24 Push

On January 31, 2024, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) announced that Apex Building Group and Bridge Street Development Corporation will be building 116 homes for low-income families at 516 Bergen Street in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. The announcement comes in light of Mayor Adams’ push for affordable housing advancements on publicly owned land. Mayor Adam’s 24 in 24 plan is seeking to create or preserve around 12,000 units of housing <Read More>

DOT Begins Enforcement for Overweight Trucks on BQE

On November 9, 2023, Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced that the City will start to issue violations for its weigh-in-motion enforcement program that targets overweight trucks on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE). In August, a 90-day warning period about the violations was launched. The program’s goal is largely to limit the wear and tear on the Expressway’s cantilever.