Mayor appoints two new CPC members

Betty Chen and Nathan Leventhal approved. The City Council unanimously approved Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s appointment of two new commissioners to the Planning Commission, Betty Chen and Nathan Leventhal. The terms of the two new commissioners commenced on March 5, 2007.

Yale-trained architect Betty Chen worked several years as project architect for the New York firm Todd William Billie Tsen. Chen also taught architecture and art history. Chen currently serves as Vice President of Planning, Design … <Read More>

$3.2 million tax exemption awarded Brooklyn developer

The Albee Street Mall on Gold Street will be razed to make way for one of the tallest buildings in downtown Brooklyn. Image courtesy of Greenberg Farrow.

Downtown Brooklyn mall to be demolished for large mixed-use retail, office, and residential center. On February 13, 2007, the New York City Industrial Development Agency, a component of the New York City Economic Development Corporation, approved financial assistance for the construction of a new 1.8-million-square-foot mixed-use development in … <Read More>

Owners arrested for allegedly bribing DOB inspectors

Owners allegedly bribed DOB to ignore violations; other allegedly filed plans with forged architect’s signature. In June 2006, the Department of Investigation arrested three Brooklyn property owners for allegedly bribing a Buildings inspector. After an inspector issued a citation and a stop-work order for work at 245 Exeter Street in Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, David Safir, the lot’s owner, allegedly offered $3,000 to the Buildings inspector at a follow-up inspection, asking that no additional violations be … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/26/24



by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


Orange County Legislature to Hold Public Hearing Tomorrow

The Orange County Legislature will hear from the public tomorrow at a public hearing for comment on a draft county legislative map to be used beginning in the 2025 county legislative elections. The hearing will take place in the county legislature’s chambers at 255 Main Street in Goshen, NY starting at 5:00 PM. The hearing can be viewed … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/05/24



by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


Orange County Legislature Rejects Another Map

The Orange County Legislature rejected another county legislative map proposal on August 1st on a 10-8 vote. The map would have advanced to the public hearing stage if the county legislature voted affirmatively. Legislators objected to a map developed by the legislature’s redistricting subcommittee that confirmed with the state’s redistricting criteria and voting rights act. Legislators complained that they needed … <Read More>